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Night of Fires Story Bug blocking Progression


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I was hoping someone might have encountered this before and might have a solution.In the story step Night of Fires, you need to go to two camps. The East camp requires you to find three items (which I've done on multiple charcters). This time however, I was killed by forged as I interacted with the last item The UI (photo attached) now asks me to find a Forged corpse, which I've never seen it ask for before. Though the corpse has a green star over it, no matter how many times I interact, it doesn't do anything. My story doesn't advance.Just a long shot, but thought someone else might have a clue.https://imgur.com/a/kC7FeEdit: I've relogged and also tried canceling the story and restarting it.

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Although on a totally different story, I think I had a comparable issue three days ago. I was doing a quest in HoT which required me to find 6 chak enzymes. To do that, I had the option to either kill chak, or help some NPC with a task. I talked to the NPC and he wanted me to bring back an item to him that he lost, which consequently was shown on the map with that green star.After looking for that item (map was the horribly layered tangled depth where you never know how to get anywhere) I was finally too frustrated because I couldn't get to it, so I killed chak and got my 6 enzymes. I delivered them and got to the next story step, but the green star would not go away. Although I was already on the next step, I had no idea where to go because the star was still indicating the position of that item, which I now no longer needed. Eventually I found that item anyway but couldn't interact with it in any way, probably because the 6 enzymes already had been delivered.

Was there a forged corpse all the time, or did the forged mob that attacked and killed you die directly after you and stayed there and somehow was then flagged with the green star that the item you were examining had? Have you tried ignoring that thing about the corpse with the star and once again going to the item you were examining when you died and examining it again, although it has no star now? I explain why I ask that: When you are doing mad king says in lions arch you get the key fragments when it is done. If you are quick, you can combine the keys and open (and loot at the same time) the chest before the mad king ports everyone into the cauldron, but if you are not quick enough you may still be in the process of opening the chest when he ports you. Although the bar showing the progress of your opening activity may only have been gone half the way, the chest will in fact be open when you return and your key will be gone, but the loot will still be in there. Maybe when you died before the examining was done, the item you examined did the same thing that the mad king chest does, "opening" but not triggering the action that usually happens when you open it. As you already restarted the story however, I fear that you will have no option to reach that particular "already opened" item again and may in fact need customer support help with this, which is not a good thing as they always said they cannot put you back to a previous story quest. Hope they have a way to reset the one you are currently on.

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