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PvE Necro Bots


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I'm out farming some materials for my next legendary and I spot greatsword-wielding necros with a minion army just killing mobs for them. The necros never move, and those that do have a skill set to auto-use when it's off cooldown. Other than that, they just stand there. The "players" are all AFK for as long as they want.

I'm not sure how many other necro bot threads are already out there, but this is another one to add to the list.

I could name about a dozen or so areas with (mostly) necros, just static and taking all the loot the minions kill for them. I could report it but I'm about 99% sure it'll be brushed off by some apathetic Anet person that couldn't be bothered "trimming the weeds" so to speak. After all that's what these bots are, weeds. Remove one, and three more take its place.

I don't usually go posting threads like this, but the whole idea of these bots getting 'through the net' just irks me. Normally this kind of thing wouldn't bother me that much, but certain materials are worth a lot more than others, esp. in bulk quantities. I know it's a quaint idea, but in the interests of keeping things fair for all, I'd like to see the playing field levelled.

Is there a better way to remove these bots from the game? Should the auto-attack ability (Ctrl-mouse2 if I remember correctly) be removed on certain skills?

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Here we go again

here we go again

same old stuff again

same old stuff again…

(very basic army cadence that is very fitting here..)

Report and move along.  

(waits for the resulting 5 page thread with back and forths about the reality of botting, the function of being AFK, the PM’ing by a GM, and the other unsundry comments that ALWAYS come with these threads, as absolutely nothing new is ever discussed in relation to this process)


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10 minutes ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

Here we go again

here we go again

same old stuff again

same old stuff again…

(very basic army cadence that is very fitting here..)

Report and move along.  

(waits for the resulting 5 page thread with back and forths about the reality of botting, the function of being AFK, the PM’ing by a GM, and the other unsundry comments that ALWAYS come with these threads, as absolutely nothing new is ever discussed in relation to this process)


So..  in the short time prior to writing my last post: this is what popped up in the first three pages of the search.






















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And before it’s asked, there is no Dev answers on those posts.  The ‘official’ dev reply came :  



The key sticking point has ALWAYS been what determines unattended.  The process involves you reporting them, and a GM direct messaging the involved player.  If the player answers, it’s not considered unattended.


No matter WHAT we think, or suspect..  none of it matters.  None.  Few of us like it.  

Gettting wrapped up in it won’t help.  Report and move on.


You haven’t discovered anything new.  🤷

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