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Swapping the goo should bring exchange HP between the ranger and the pet.


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So i keep thinking about how to keep the pet alive in team combat, that should be a main focus point of the untamed. We have now 1s goo swap cooldown which has improved the flow exponientaly by a lot. 

In this case i think  Unleashed Power  could be improved with the effect to exchange some of the current HP from the gooish binomial  to the non-gooish one of the couple (ranger/pet) . Similar to how Perilous Gift used to work in the first iteration, but affecting both parties. 

This goo exchange will also revive the pet if it's downed. 

Why HP exchange? The pet will revive for that amount of health when the goo goes to the ranger, so having a plain heal would be too strong. This symbolizes the sacrifice the untamed does  when they get the goo on them. 

Also it brings a balance to the extra HP. If  the player utilizes the goo swap correctly the enemy would need to work on both (pet and the untamed).  As exchanging the goo to keep the pet alive makes the untamed weaker. 

This is an interesting mechanic which bring an additonal effect and it's own trade off that can be easily balanced by the percentage of HP transfered. Let's say if it's a 20% of the ranger current HP the best case scenario would be 4K in a 20K build (a tanky build). Which means not only the Untammed is weaker now but also the pet will not have much HP letf either. 

Quickly swapping will do not good as it will reduce further the untamed HP until both are at the reach roughtly the same numbers . Increasing the percentage transferred will make the pet (or untamed ) to heal for more but at the same time it will make the gooish one  glassier with less hp available. 

So this would bring a lot of usability and the "bruiser" funtion for the untamed. Ranger does not have enough active deffenses to become a bruiser, and untamed does not bring anything new. It makes the untamed to be tankier without resorting to plain modifier. It would still be vulnerable to classes with a lot of AoE but fairly competent against single target classes/builds, an anti-pewpew soulbeast alike if i may. 

To further balance this the healing

Also Cantrips would not heal as much as other heals (i would set an objective around 50-60% of what core heal skills do) . I still Exploding Spores should be the healing skill as it would be very good for team fights to have an AoE heal skill which similar effects to Lesser_Seed_of_Life which poison instead blind. And heal for a bit more baseline. 

 For the extra damage on the gooish one i would set the Ferocious Symbiosis GM effects in  Vow of the Untamed and remove the plain modifiers. Whic would mean also while in gooish state the untamed would get that extra damage. The extra movment speed if it does not stack with other speed bonuses there is no point to have it, as it is combat only and only when the pet lands an attack. 

Those buffs would be nice if they would be applied to the pet as well, like Strength_of_the_Pack! currently works. 


What do you think about this?

Would it make the untamed play different and more resilient to damage?

I find the e-spec too glassy with no defenses and lacking damage at the same time. 

Aaannd we need another beta for the untamed at least. I don't know about other classes. 



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12 hours ago, anduriell.6280 said:

goo exchange will also revive the pet if it's downed

I could get behind this kind of goo.

I do think untamed should work with more emphasis on pet damage, and significantly more protection for your pet. So much, you could bring them into zergs. That along with this, where the ranger literally sacrifices life to keep their untamed pet going wild on everyone is such an appealing idea to me. 

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