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scrap rifle field test gold medal


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14 hours ago, Sherlock.1607 said:

any tips how to do scrap rifle field test gold medal? one mushroom is bugged and not working, that makes the challenge really hard, maybe impossible.

It's been some time since I did the achievment, but the shroom was bugged back then too. I watched one or two videos of newer gold-runs (with the bug), used tekkits marker pack for taco to remember the routes of the mushrooms better and a char with condi gear (even in the adventure the burning scales with parts of your gear - armor and backpack). This way I got it in a few tries.

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''Getting gold: this is a hard gold. Take some time to practice in the field and get used to the skills and Action Camera and gliding before starting the adventure.
– Okay, first things first: the Chak Egg. Shooting one of these will make it explode and summon more chak to the field. However, if you are standing close to it when you shoot it you will gain health, reduce the overheating of your rifle, and refill your endurance bar. The 1 skill has a huge range and cone, but is also very touchy and prone to shooting multiple times even with the slightest left-click hold, so if you are going to take advantage of the free health/endurance you will need to practice great trigger discipline.
– The main skill rotation is to gather the chak, use the 5 skill fire field, jump in with the 3 skill, then hold down the 2 flamethrower until you’ve killed the chak. Tap the 1 skill or left-click to do spot damage.
– Since it takes some time for the chak to respawn on the ground level, the strategy should be to rotate between killing on the ground and bouncing up top fairly often. This also helps the rifle cooldown between large groups of chak.''



Edited by Robban.1256
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i did it thanks to the video! i'm not gonna lie, just looking at the title and thumbnail made me skip this video several times~
anyway, a tip i can give you is when you're jumping down, in the central area, use the glider and fly around the area. the monsters will follow you while you're in the air, it's useful for grouping and killing them all at once.

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