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Toxic Alliance Sylvari Banished for Radical Ideas?


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I've been looking around in various places, and have found three spots that mention this, but so far it's unexplained. Maybe it's just a developer comment somewhere? I'm seeking sources pertaining to Living World Season 1. I'm trying to find out a very specific bit of information about the Toxic Alliance, where it says that the Nightmare courtiers of the alliance are a "fringe group banished for their radical ideas." So far, I've found out everything BUT where it says that.

I know they're a splinter faction by both game quote and a developer interview, but haven't found any evidence beyond an IGN game article as a source (pertaining to being banished for radical ideas [EDIT]).


• Were they actually banished?

• What were their radical ideas?

• And why would the Nightmare Court take issue with said ideas if its goal is also to pervert the Dream?


Thank you!

Edited by KidRoleplay.3615
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This sounds like commentary from Angel McCoy on the forums before they got changed about. All her posts (on both her accounts) can be found on these links:

The closest posts on a quick search to relate are these two:



So, I will say this. We have been going on the premise that the groups working with Scarlet are not the main population, but splinter groups. It’s not “The Nightmare Court” who has allied with the krait, but a sub-group of them. Faolain, for example, is not allied with either the krait or Scarlet.



Krait: They’ve been warped by Scarlet and the Nightmare Court. By the end, the scenario had changed. Scarlet proved she could bring back a prophet to their satisfaction (whether it was actually a prophet or not, no one really knows, but the toxic krait believe it was). And they can’t exactly go join other normal krait. How do you think regular xenophobic krait would feel about these toxic ones?


Not sure where you're getting the Nightmare Courtiers were banished - that is applied to all three other splinter groups that joined Scarlet, especially krait and Flame (though for Flame Legion, this seems potentially retconned in IBS, specifically Drizzlewood), when Angel McCoy was explaining the factions' motivations for joining in the Battle for Lion's Arch, but curiously didn't include the Nightmare Court's reasons.


Some other lore-dev posters on the old forum, in case you ever feel like digging through the esoteric side of lore:

EDIT: On a quick google search for your quote, I'm seeing an IGN source: https://www.ign.com/wikis/guild-wars-2/Tower_of_Nightmares which cites Ela Makkay during the Tower of Nightmares as the source for this. Ela does state something along these lines, to quote:

PC: What about the Nightmare Court?

Ela Makkay: They're sylvari, awakened from the Pale Tree like all their kind, who've chosen to embrace a darker side of themselves. They're cruel, primarily because they believe the essence of nightmare is as important as dream.

PC: But why are the Nightmare courtiers here?

Ela Makkay: They're attracted like sharks to blood, I would imagine. Schemers at heart, they look for ways to inflict pain and suffering. This faction doesn't seem to be entire Nightmare Court itself, but rather an offshoot.

PC: Go on.

Ela Makkay: The Court uses a feudal model for their society. They use noble titles to indicate rank and extent of territory, but not all Nightmare sylvari participate in that social structure. I suspect these courtiers are a fringe group.

Which is just theorizing that they're a fringe group (though this was pretty much confirmed by Angel McCoy later). Nothing on banishment or radical ideas, but that article seems to be a "journalist's impression from the content" kind of thing, and the NPC they cite as the source only briefly mentions a portion of that. So I'd be willing to place it as player misinterpretation.

Edited by Konig Des Todes.2086
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You're probably right at that. I've seen (or dug up, rather) the ingame quote about Ela believing that they're a fringe group, but as a developer mentioned that they were in a Q&A somewhere I found recently, I accepted that. I just never saw anywhere that they were banished or what their ideas would have been. The same quote that is in IGN about them having radical ideas is also in a summary on the wiki.




Ela was also able to conclude that the nightmare sylvari that are currently aiding the krait are only an offshoot of the true factions, surmising the courtiers are a fringe group banished for their radical ideas.


I had been since as of three days ago going through the wiki, Google, and even some old Youtube videos to try to find evidence of said banishment or ideas. Even went to Brisban to try to see if there were nearby Toxic Alliance NPCs that could be guided to Nightmare courtiers to see if they would fight!


So far ... nothing. You're probably right that it's misinterpretation. 😞

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Oh, and just another thing I found interesting:



Ela Makkay: The Court uses a feudal model for their society. They use noble titles to indicate rank and extent of territory, but not all Nightmare sylvari participate in that social structure. I suspect these courtiers are a fringe group.


And yet some of the Toxic Alliance members who are sylvari are clearly called Knight, Baron, and Baroness, therefore using that system.


Just going off her words alone, it makes me think the courtiers in the Toxic Alliance, if they were a fringe group, weren't splintered for not adhering to structural nomenclature.


It's also very possible Ela didn't know what she was talking about.

Edited by KidRoleplay.3615
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