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Conjure Facepalm


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In general I find that the answer to the question "Why did you nerf this thing that only a few people even used in the game mode I play?" is "Because it wasn't targeted at your game mode." You can complain about that over and over until you're blue in the face and suggest over and over that there should be a pvp/pve split, or that the only game mode that matters is your own, etc. etc. ad nauseum. You won't change anything by doing this, ever. The fact remains that ANet balances for all game modes at the same time and hates pvp/pve splits, avoiding them at all costs. Don't understand a change? It wasn't targetted at you... get over it.

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@caveman.5840 said:this game needs open world player killing ,,, than pve players would care about player VS player balance lol

Will never happen outside of WvW. No offense to anyone or anything but GW2 is a carebear MMO for PvE. And I think it's safe to say Anet won't do anything to deliberately harm the game mode that generates them the most money. Not when they got tons of people throwing in money for mounts and such.

As a PvP/WvW player I'm happy enough that we have a Dev (Ben) who's actively communicating with the players of the said game mode unlike in the past where we got almost 0 response from Anet. It's just 1 guy, might not really be able change anything on his own but it's a start.

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