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Ralka's Egg Hunt - DE Meta- OCE/LateNight/NA Servers

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Tonight at 5:30 Sydney time I will be hosting a DE meta for our OCE players.

What you need: Alac or Quick build with the option of DPS. You need at least 2 personal CC's and war supplies for EMPs, your utility buff. We provide food and banners! You also want to be in a meta build that works for *group* content, complete with rune set up and a decent grasp of your class. Do you need to be a raider? Nope! But we do need you to be aware of your personal class mechanics and able to move on the fly and pump out your boons and dps 🙂

Discord- even if you are deaf you need to read the guide so you know where we're going. I explain grouping, mini-bosses, platforms and abilities. That guide is an actual script of how I run the groups with group 2 and 6 always having leaders marked so you know where to go.

We have a kind, considerate meta group! We are willing to use your personal pronoun of choice. We do not berate others, we seek to support each other for this amazing event. We also help people get their strike and sub-meta events done for finishing their turtle. We do not overload discord with chatter, either. I know some of us have information overload so we try to keep it focused on the meta only.

If this is of interest to you, please send me an in-game mail so we can get you situated and set up.

Hope to see you there!


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