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Core Only PvP Mode


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Swagg you make some good points and to a degree think some people would prefer a slower gameplay - I like the suggestion by Eugchriss with having off seasons be something like 'core only'.


I also agree that core ranger pets are kinda a joke and that is one of the ideas behind this thread - they game has changed over the years and it would be nice if that was acknowledged with tweaking some of the core pets.  Anet has reworked weapons (warrior rifle, engie flamethrower, etc) why not tweak the pet skills!


Core builds are the base ingredients that it seems everyone in this thread is aware some of those ingredients are out of date and the added zest of elite specs to make this edible is what is being discussed (return of the cooking analogy!)

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30 minutes ago, Thurbleton.5841 said:

Swagg you make some good points and to a degree think some people would prefer a slower gameplay - I like the suggestion by Eugchriss with having off seasons be something like 'core only'.


I also agree that core ranger pets are kinda a joke and that is one of the ideas behind this thread - they game has changed over the years and it would be nice if that was acknowledged with tweaking some of the core pets.  Anet has reworked weapons (warrior rifle, engie flamethrower, etc) why not tweak the pet skills!


Core builds are the base ingredients that it seems everyone in this thread is aware some of those ingredients are out of date and the added zest of elite specs to make this edible is what is being discussed (return of the cooking analogy!)

When it comes to something like the core ranger pets, I'm not sure that the additions to their selection pool really counts as mere "tweaking."  If we're going the route of cooking analogies, elite specs are less seasoning and more like just a whole other dish.  It's irrational to just pour two dishes together in the hopes that they enhance each other's flavors--which is why most elite specs just outright replace core builds (or other expansion builds).  The problem with pet skills in particular is mainly that there are none--for the Ranger anyway.  Pets are often so far out of fine control, that their contribution to combat has been forced via a series of early-game buffs which effectively turned them all into mini-bosses with regards to HP, toughness and damage output.  You'd probably be better off just removing them entirely and turning them into something else (or just merging e-specs together into individual classes with a lot of respective options).

GW2 PvP faces the issue that it is rather shallow and straightforward, and the game itself is rather pigeonholed into buffs/nerfs rather than expansive side-grades and true role options.  We can tweak all we want, but the way GW2 works, we're probably just going to end up with roughly the same products with which we started (unless we get the go-ahead and resources to gut nearly everything and reassemble things into a more flexible and complex configuration).  I don't mean to rain on anybody's parade; I'm just saying that a core-only PvP mode in GW2 would basically just be a circus-mirror reflection of any other contemporary meta (same shapes and colors but just a little more wiggly and misshapen).  It's not like it wouldn't be a fun experiment anyway and that there's really nothing to lose by trying it, but as it stands, anet would never put in the effort to balance/design around a core-only mode, and telling people to play core-only for a tournament or season would basically just result in the same exact meta that people already see (just with slightly different timings and hard counters).

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On 3/19/2022 at 2:36 PM, Infinity.2876 said:

Ranger might be too good but it would be fun or they could have a mini season where you could only play a support build


Really ranger is the last problem I would think off. It will be the usual double core necro sup guard meta kitten that we had for years, the only problem you don't have classes able to counter the comp, resulting in such a toxic environment.


2 necro 1 guard support 1 ranger sidenoder duelist, 1 thief +1 roamer decapper. How fun.


Core ele won't see play, core rev won't see play, core war will see fee play instead of ranger, but will be way worse, same for core mesmer instead of thief.

Core engi will be a niche build maybe running condi.


The idea is excellent if they bring core specs all the same level, if you have 2 core specs that are meta in the current meta, that is problematic.

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