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Move "Master of Manipulation" to Dueling, replace it by a Glamour trait in Chaos.


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  • Move Master of Manipulations from Chaos to Dueling, replacing Desperate Decoy which is one of those dead passive traits that we were promised a rework of.
  • In the empty slot in Chaos, add a Glamour trait. A Glamour trait has been missing since 2018.


  • Glamour skills fit well into Chaos, they provide combo fields for Chaos Armor which interacts with Chaotic Transference.
  • Manipulations and superspeed fit well into Dueling. Back in core, it was dueling that had the "increase blink range" trait.
  • Dueling has generally fallen behind Domination + Illusions (which both power Chronos and power Mirages tend to play) and Inspiration + Chaos. (talking about PvP).
  • Provides the missing Glamour trait.


  • Improves Glamour-based builds (obviously).
  • Improves power Mesmer builds, like Domination/Dueling/Illusions, or Domination/Dueling/Mirage and other similar variations. Builds that have fallen behind in the meta. Doesn't buff condi Mesmer because you need to forgo Duelist's Discipline which is a big tradeoff.
  • Specifically, improves mobility (blink cooldown and superspeed), which is one of the main things core Mesmer lacks.



Edited by agrippastrilemma.8741
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I'd be all for Manipulations in Duelling. Not sure if I'm on board with your other ideas.


Having a Glamour trait on the Adept tier would be weird. Because it would compete with Chaos Storm on Heal which is a bit contradictory. Furthermore, while Glamours do indeed fit into Chaos, I personally would prefer Signets being in Chaos due to the synergies with with Auspicious Anguish. While this would mostly benefit Mirage (Ambushs on Distortion) this would finally give Mesmer a second reasonable traitbased condition removal option aside from Inspiration (kinda like Smothering Auras on Elementalist). Of course, this would have further implications for support focussed builds. I still like the idea.


Considering their mostly supportive nature, Glamours could easily remain in Inspiration. The bigger question would be what to do with Mantras. And whether Domination needs a Utility group associated with it as well.

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38 minutes ago, Xaylin.1860 said:

I'd be all for Manipulations in Duelling. Not sure if I'm on board with your other ideas.


Having a Glamour trait on the Adept tier would be weird. Because it would compete with Chaos Storm on Heal which is a bit contradictory. Furthermore, while Glamours do indeed fit into Chaos, I personally would prefer Signets being in Chaos due to the synergies with with Auspicious Anguish. While this would mostly benefit Mirage (Ambushs on Distortion) this would finally give Mesmer a second reasonable traitbased condition removal option aside from Inspiration (kinda like Smothering Auras on Elementalist). Of course, this would have further implications for support focussed builds. I still like the idea.


Considering their mostly supportive nature, Glamours could easily remain in Inspiration. The bigger question would be what to do with Mantras. And whether Domination needs a Utility group associated with it as well.

The alternative is to compete with Bountiful Disillusionment which really sucks since that is basically one of the main reasons to go Chaos. But sure it would be fine to switch with Chaotic Interruption too (which is a dead trait).

You could make Glamours an option to deal with conditions outside of Inspiration. In fact, the old Glamour trait used to do exactly that - it gave resistance on Glamour, and this was back when resistance was complete immunity to conditions.

"Glamours could easily remain in inspiration". Remain? There is no current Glamour trait.

And yes, a different topic that is outside the scope of this thread is whether each traitline should have a utility category (in which case Domi would make most sense with either Mantras or Signets).

Edited by agrippastrilemma.8741
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Remember that too much synergy isn't that good. Looking at clone on death traits.


Auspicious anguish and signet in the same traitline will be too strong IMO.

While slow trait and effect on slow could be buffed on chrono.

Mean it's nice yo have synergy but it shouldn't be tunneled by over efficient other combinaison.





I dont agree 100 % about duelling falling that much.

If each trait line have category, traits should compete. For example 3 mantras traits on the same column.




That said I support every post about bring back glamour trait (same about another mantra trait.) and we have plenty of dead trait who can fill the spot.



Edited by viquing.8254
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3 hours ago, agrippastrilemma.8741 said:


  • Move Master of Manipulations from Chaos to Dueling, replacing Desperate Decoy which is one of those dead passive traits that we were promised a rework of.
  • In the empty slot in Chaos, add a Glamour trait. A Glamour trait has been missing since 2018.


  • Glamour skills fit well into Chaos, they provide combo fields for Chaos Armor which interacts with Chaotic Transference.
  • Manipulations and superspeed fit well into Dueling. Back in core, it was dueling that had the "increase blink range" trait.
  • Dueling has generally fallen behind Domination + Illusions (which both power Chronos and power Mirages tend to play) and Inspiration + Chaos. (talking about PvP).
  • Provides the missing Glamour trait.


  • Improves Glamour-based builds (obviously).
  • Improves power Mesmer builds, like Domination/Dueling/Illusions, or Domination/Dueling/Mirage and other similar variations. Builds that have fallen behind in the meta. Doesn't buff condi Mesmer because you need to forgo Duelist's Discipline which is a big tradeoff.
  • Specifically, improves mobility (blink cooldown and superspeed), which is one of the main things core Mesmer lacks.



I like that idea very much. 😊

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20 hours ago, viquing.8254 said:

Remember that too much synergy isn't that good. Looking at clone on death traits.

How does this even relate to on death traits?


Right now, Auspicious Anguish is kinda useless (or at least underperforming) unless combined with traited Signets. In my opinion, it's pretty bad you have to pick two traitlines to make it work.


Mesmers have so few condition removal options to begin with. It would be very refreshing not to always be forced into Inspiration for this purpose.

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