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Returning player...continue where i left off or start from the beginning?

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Hello everyone,


It's been some time since I last played. In fact I remember the storyline being about Aurene fighting against Kralkatorrik and then dying...Should I continue from where I left off or maybe start a brand new character and get the new expansion? The good thing about this game is that you are not forced to buy each new expansion when it is released right?

P.S. End of Dragons doesn't feel like it has the same vibe that the previous expansions or even Vanilla had. I'm talking about that Elder-Dragon-danger-lurking-in-the-shadows vibe 😄

Edited by gabisto.7348
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It's up to you really. Don't delete any of your characters, because you get rewards based on their birthdays, but you can create a new character to get yourself familiarised (is that a word?) with the game again. Personally, even if I haven't left the game, I like to play something different each expansion, especially with new elite specs, it's the perfect time to get out of the comfort zone.

But that's purely from a gamepay perspective. Don't feel pressured to replay the story to refresh your memory, you will get a recap and some exposition, and it's pretty easy to follow. It sounds like episode 5 of season 4 is when you last played, so if you have episode 6 unlocked, you should play that to get the epilogue (it's quite important to understand how you got from Aurene's death to the events of EOD), but the Icebrood Saga is not as vital, and like I said, you will get a mini recap cinematic at the start of the expansion.

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33 minutes ago, RabbitUp.8294 said:

It's up to you really. Don't delete any of your characters, because you get rewards based on their birthdays, but you can create a new character to get yourself familiarised (is that a word?) with the game again. Personally, even if I haven't left the game, I like to play something different each expansion, especially with new elite specs, it's the perfect time to get out of the comfort zone.

But that's purely from a gamepay perspective. Don't feel pressured to replay the story to refresh your memory, you will get a recap and some exposition, and it's pretty easy to follow. It sounds like episode 5 of season 4 is when you last played, so if you have episode 6 unlocked, you should play that to get the epilogue (it's quite important to understand how you got from Aurene's death to the events of EOD), but the Icebrood Saga is not as vital, and like I said, you will get a mini recap cinematic at the start of the expansion.

Unfortunately i don't have episode 6 unlocked. However i do have the last two episodes of the Icebrood Saga..Maybe they made it that for all players because it is the last episodes before EoD? I don't know...I also got two Level 80 boosts (probably from purchasing HoT and PoE) so i could make a new character and use one of them 🙂

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It's up to you and how long you want to take to get back to current content. I rerolled a brand new guardian since I took a break just after PoF and wanted to get the full story on a single character. I did EoD on release so I at least feel like I was part of current content, but I understand it's going to take me a while.

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