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Everything posted by IrishPotato.6327

  1. I'm going to need some people to do the math on the banner changes because I don't get how this is better.
  2. It depends. If the fight takes obscenely long because players aren't performing well and wiping constantly, even with a win, isn't really encouraging to stick around. Some players only want to fractals for the quick money, and see taking too long as a waste of their time. I wouldn't necessarily call that elitism, compared to many of the LFG Posts.
  3. Yes my point was the animation, moving or not, is copy paste.
  4. Specter auto chain on scepter is also triple chop animation (Axe basic chain).
  5. We've known about this since it was posted over a month ago.
  6. It sounds like you were never going to keep your warriors.
  7. I don't think it's going to be a nerf. The problem with spirits and banners is that's their only real purpose. I would look for it as a buff, to make the classes more desired.
  8. 2 points of contention: the Warbringer backpiece requires heavy WvW involvement which is possibly not what the OP wants. It's also more in tune with a Warrior vibe than Guardian.
  9. What's wrong with Guardian and JPs? 🤔
  10. It's not a guarantee that it'll be "absolutely fine" in pugs. Pugs can and will kick players for low dps, so it depends on the group. As mentioned above, chill/all welcome groups will be their ticket.
  11. Alts are quite literally the only way to experience other classes. This isn't FF14 where one character can do it all.
  12. There's one line that hits hard at the beginning of HoT in Verdant Brink because the everyman pact soldiers don't trust you, and when one of them questions you, and while you're normally such a lighthearted and calm voice you get pissed along the lines of "get back in line soldier and shut up or else"
  13. Sylvari get entirely exclusive conversations in HoT and after when mentioning the Jungle Dragon. I very much enjoyed the unique feel of a Sylvari in HoT and since male Sylvari has been my favorite by far, and main. Arguably male sylvari has the best voice acting post core game as well. It just feels so much more authentic and accurate portrayal of emotions.
  14. Warrior main here. It's not that Core Warrior is "Uber Trash Tier", it's just that with most if not all classes their elite specs are stronger than core across the board. Some offer high utility compared to their core versions, some just pump up the damage. The case of Warrior is less of a drastic change, and more of a tilt of your playstyle. Berserker really just made Warrior extra angry. Berserk mode focuses on the F1 skills of each mainhand weapon for higher damange. It also opened up the path for warriors to branch from their default POWER GREATSWORD BUILD GO BRRRR to a condition build with sword + torch/Longbow. Power Berserker is also strong with axe mainhand. You basically spam the F1 skill Decapitate, it's a very Low Intensity rotation. That's not to say you can't use other weapons, that's just the "meta" for it. Spellbreaker has always been a pvp focused role, that can perform well in Open World because of it's innate defense and counter abilities, but doesn't excel in instanced endgame compared to other builds because the mechanics don't really apply to bosses. Bladesworn is what you'd expect of a SAM from FF14, Midare until the cows come home. Moderate damage to build up into big hits on the Dragon Slash cast. You don't get a new mainhand, but an offhand pistol, and a gunblade attached to your build automatically. You build up your adrenaline bar into what's called Flow instead, (think SAM gauge) until it's about 50%, then you activate F2. This locks you into place and starts your Midare cast, or called here Dragon Slash. You get 3 choices, Cone hit for highest damage, Dash for moderate damage, and line aoe for moderate damange. In pve endgame currently Warrior is locked into two roles, pure dps, or what you'll see called Banner Slave. Banners are unique to Warriors and apply stats to everyone in your squad. You take 2 of your utility slots for Banner of Strength and Banner of Discipline, the 3rd Utility can be whatever based on your build. They're going to be adjusted in the summer to give us more utility, and hopefully give us more purpose.
  15. GS Condi Warrior new Gorseval spirit meta?
  16. Greatsword is a power based weapon, and running Power, Precision, Condi and Expertise will not do anything for you.
  17. Before HoT soldier shout warrior with Hammer + sword/warhorn was unkillable in zergs and high CC.
  18. Return to wasn't adding anything to the game, just achievements. Season 1 is adding content back into the game that hasn't been there for 9 years.
  19. I imagine Makkay will still be there, it just won't be part of the Journal like you said. No reason to remove her necessarily, just the requirement once S1 is finalized, but not before. Also I'm a big fan, ty for quoting me 😁
  20. The answer is simple. Season 1 is incomplete. The only alternative would be to direct them to season 1, then direct them to Makkay. They would then need to edit out each piece of the recap to line up with what's playable. It would be too much of a mess.
  21. The main gimmick of the spec is the large hit from DS. You'd be crippling yourself to go condi.
  22. Until all of Season 1 is released there would be no point changing it.
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