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Anet, please make this little but important change for the RP playerbase


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Hello Tyrians!

I'm here for let my voice out in the world with a silly hope for the future... as roleplayer I m really happy with EoD for the quality of the lore and the narrative design. I'm lucky enough to be a complete player and I enjoyed a lot all the contents arrived with Cantha.

The only thing, that makes me a bit unhappy is the rp possibility in some EoD areas.

Arborstone is more than ok with the maxed mastery but Seitung and specially New Kaineng are not enough!

Seitung and Kaineng are the most "lived" area in Cantha, and we have some pretty houses and building open for let us join in a different type of adventure, but most of the buildings are closed and inaccessible. Even the instances are not open when in the core game we can have more possibilities.

We can see restaurants, tea houses, villages and even apartments but we can't go inside in more of them, dreaming about the possibility or trying as hell with clipping of some chairs and tricks.

This problem is not... big as a prospective of a regular player but change a lot the way to live and play this game for someone who enjoy the rp scenario.


Even the new Guild Hall lack in this type of enviroment, Lost Precipice remain probably the best way to have a some form of "housing" in GH. 

The new lobby Thousand Seas is a brillant example of a big content where the rp can born easily (but don't take the 1000 gems gate as example)


These are simple thoughts and probably superfluous to the gaming experience.
From the past, however, I have noticed greater attention to the new environments and the possibilities introduced to give us more (more chairs, emotes, community areas, etc.).

For the future, if you can, consider the possibility of re-entering instances such as Joon's house or Mai's apartment outside of story, the possibility of giving simple Canthian aesthetics to some interiors of seitung and kaineng so as to also have details more specific than canthan life.

Make Cantha more similar in divinity's in this particular case.
It is really a pity to have that paradise available in the vip lobby and see that house with the shrine guardian near, closed and inaccessible, preventing the imagination from traveling free.



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Couldn't agree more on that!

Scattered across tyria there are some beautyfully crafted places  hidden by invisible walls or solid doors, places that you can visit perhaps for just an instance and then renderd forever inaccessible wich saddens me, because you can see that the place is still there on the map


for example: 

the apothecary in the village of shaemoor, or the basement of the house in garenhoff, the uzolan's hideout in kessex hills, the house near field of the fallen in lion's arch, the cerebro replica in caledon forest, joon's house or mai trin's appartament just like azur said


and theese are just the first places that comes to my mind... this shouldn't require much work, since the assets are already there


please, consider the idea 🙂

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I have always commented on this type of thing with my RP companions.


I'm sorry to have to provide a more bitter point of view, but I think it's a bit necessary. Personally, I don't like the maps they have made, the color palette of the Sin Gea grass is a fairly saturated radioactive green as well as the color of the jade itself, whose models integrated into the structures sometimes gives me the feeling of which is a block of an object that has not been textured. Luckily the grass color palette problem improves if you remove the shaders.

The city of Kaineng that promised to give the feeling of an overpopulated macro city, is nothing more than large empty squares, with 4 npcs far apart between them, facades of building blocks and ramps. The worst of all is that exactly, you cannot access any interior, depriving the player of enjoying the setting, of discovering what those huge buildings are like inside that will surely have hundreds of floors, and inside there will be micro-communities and micro-worlds, each one with her problems have more mundane stories, far removed from the cosmic meta-plots that Anet distills.

Guild wars needs more small details, more normal stories of ordinary people without the story arc ending with saving the world, again, fighting against gods, dragons, or cosmic entities, again and again.

There is no need to fill a corridor with hostile NPCs who want to kill you, or events in every corner of the world that are repeated every 5 minutes and that actually doing it or not doing it does not affect anything. 

Are needed areas without anything hostile, or events, just build some neighborhoods with their inhabitants going about their lives, alleys full of shops and vendors offering..what know I?, Quaggan fin soup?.

 Open houses where one can sit and take a picture, a tavern located on the corner of a neighborhood. I could be giving examples all day.

But at the end of the day the maps are just that, just a facade, lifeless, and full of events and annoying hostile npcs.

The small Roleplay community would greatly appreciate it if  would  these details. I would include myself among the grateful and it would be a breath of fresh air for everyone.


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On 4/12/2022 at 2:51 PM, Borraian.2365 said:

The city of Kaineng that promised to give the feeling of an overpopulated macro city, is nothing more than large empty squares, with 4 npcs far apart between them, facades of building blocks and ramps. The worst of all is that exactly, you cannot access any interior, depriving the player of enjoying the setting, of discovering what those huge buildings are like inside that will surely have hundreds of floors, and inside there will be micro-communities and micro-worlds, each one with her problems have more mundane stories, far removed from the cosmic meta-plots that Anet distills.

Guild wars needs more small details, more normal stories of ordinary people without the story arc ending with saving the world, again, fighting against gods, dragons, or cosmic entities, again and again.

I've said this exact thing before, and I'll say it again every single chance I get. Thanks for beating me to the punch on this matter lol.

New Kaineng represents a huge, huge step backward in city design for ANet. It's the absolute bottom of the barrel in terms of Tyrian cities, and this inferiority comes from what you mentioned. 

While we don't need every single apartment and every single large office tower to be fully explorable, the fact that there are pretty much none of those is quite jarring. One of my favorite places in the world is a random, nameless house in Rurikton. It has a unique floor plan, and is furnished nicely. No PoI, no chests, not even an NPC to talk to. It's just someone's house we get to see inside. All the unique little NPC interactions we get add to the flavor. Not all of this stuff has to be voiced, either. You run into an adventuring party standing around, and their conversation with you is in text boxes. In DR and elsewhere, children are often running around giggling, for no reason other than that they're just kids, and they're around.

Glimpses - and I want to emphasize, mere glimpses - like these are all it takes to really cement the feeling that a city has a life of its own. A life completely separate from whatever the Commander is up to, a life that began before players showed up, and a life that will continue after we leave. That's what makes the core Tyrian cities some of the best city designs in modern gaming.

New Kaineng is a movie set, after shooting has wrapped. Right now it's 100% just a hollow backdrop for our character to pass through. I hope against hope that one day ANet will revisit Kaineng and add some of the life-giving touches we mentioned, but I'm not holding my breath.

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