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TA Aetherpath dungeon's "Unshippable" and "Above and Beyond" achievements broken post EoD

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Completion of Twilight Arbor's Aetherpath achievements requires hitting three airships with EMP grenades after the Clockheart boss, for "Unshippable" and "Above and Beyond." Two of the airships are still working as intended, but the third one at the top of the ramp no longer has object collision and cannot be hit with the EMPs. The targeting marker appears on walls behind the airship. I've run this path and helped others complete the achievements many times, so I'm familiar with how it used to work. Friends first told me about this problem after EoD launch and it's been broken for me and the rest of the party any time I've run the dungeon since to test. Here's hoping for a fix so more people can get the achieves and mini again soon. 🤞

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I ran with a group of friends this afternoon to specifically get achievements related to TA Aetherpath - half of them missed out on obtaining the "Above and Beyond" and "Unshippable" achievements because the third airship was completely untargetable - this included the hull, balloon envelope, fin-like steering projections, and even some of the cords underneath the bow (we literally tried targeting every part of the ship to see if something would register).  Attempting to throw EMPs at it will prompt the message: "Target out of Range" since the airship is no longer treated as a physical object with collision so the EMPs target the walls on the other side.  We even tried to throw the EMP on the walkway near the ship to see if by some chance we'd clip the edge of it, but that didn't work either.  Just letting y'all know... it's still bugged. 😉

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7.15.2022 just ran this dungeon to try and get "Unshippable" achievement for my husband, can confirm it is still bugged. EMP is unable to target the third ship (it is almost like the EMP is working like a teleport ability not a regular ground targeting ability, I mention this because teleport abilities seem to be targeting the ceiling just like the EMP was). Submitted in-game bug about the issue as well.

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Can confirm, bug is still here, it is especially annoying now that LWS1 episode 3 is bringing back interest to this dungeon, i had hopes i could finally get Above and Beyond achievement, but we couldn't get it done because of the there airship.. Hope you can fix it soon, while people are still willing to do it

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Unshippable can be done when a player relogs and hits the ship on front deck. But even if all events done Above and Beyond achievement still bugged sadly. Did that thing 5 times today till i found out. Please fix this:(((((((((((((((

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The relog trick worked to make the ship targetable, however I was not able to get credit for hitting it with an EMP (tried the rear, balloon, mid deck, underside, but not the front deck) . I will try hitting the front deck as the previous poster stated to see if that works, but if that isn't enough to give credit for Above and Beyond, that won't be fun. I have submitted a bug as well. ANet, please fix this.

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Alright, I have the work around to both of these issues. I will explain how my group did it. After boss, we killed the aetherblade officer first, then we followed Caithe, talked to her, and took out the Clockwork Nightmare. I then told the group to go down and help the Lionguard while I relogged. Once I got back in, I went for an EMP and hit the bugged (highest) ship on the FRONT DECK, which did work. At this point, I directed the group to EMP the other 2 ships while I went for the 5 chests (make sure you have 5 keys to open them). The group finished EMPing the other 2 ships, while I was opening the chests. When I opened the last chest the Above and Beyond achievement popped. So you really need to do all of the optional events in ONE run in order to get Above and Beyond. The relogging and targeting (front deck only) bug still needs to be fixed though. That relog costs at least a minute.

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On 7/24/2022 at 12:38 PM, Kalasis.4163 said:

Once I got back in, I went for an EMP and hit the bugged (highest) ship on the FRONT DECK, which did work.

Thank you. I was having the same issue with not being able to EMP the third/highest ship and it was driving me crazy.. Relogging and doing what you said finally worked and gave me "Above and Beyond." Anet really needs to fix these annoying bugs... 😑

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