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Lost Race - The Sylvari

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Basically the Sylvari in general have completely vanished from the story since HoT. The only sylvari we have even seen doing anything other than being background NPCs at all since HoT are Canach and Caithe. Everything else has been background.

We haven't seen the Pale Tree since Season 2, and she has only been very briefly mentioned in a few optional pieces of NPC dialogue. We have no idea what effect finding out they are dragon minions had on or in regards to Sylvari society or their interactions with other races (and what about the mordrem?). We know new sylvari are being born still, but what does not having a mother do? And what about the nightmare court and the soundless and the dream?

Every other race has had things happening and story about them but the Sylvari. We've seen a human civil war, the asura going research happy over rata novus and making bad choices to fight primordus, the norn fighting jormag (until the charr hijacked the story, although really the norn have been almost as short changed as the sylvair in terms of story), and the charr having a civil war. But NOTHING at all even hinting at anything going on with the Sylvari.

What about factions? Most of the factions introduced we know what's going on. The Svanir are over after Icebrood Saga (after being second fiddled to the charr), the Inquest are still around but somewhat inactive since Joko, the white mantle/bandits are done, the flame legion aren't evil anymore. But the Nightmare court... are just MIA. Faolin herself we know about, but not the court.

Edited by Boogiepop Void.6473
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The entire EoD plot lacks all of the core races other than humans. There are individuals from Tyria of a few other races - but no plots specific to them or even locals of those races. Granted Cantha never had them even back in GW1, something I always thought was strange as Humans are from another dimension while the others are all native to the planet we're on.


But at the moment everyone is getting passed over in favor of a human / dragon storyline. This is kind of par for the course for a lot of fantasy games - the humans get a lot of plot and the others get passed over.

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I meet a Sylvari every day at Augury Rock trying to Ascend so they're still around. Other than that I guess their "function" was accomplished once "Old Mord" got kicked in the teeth. I always thought they were created in a very shallow and not too compelling way, probably because they were destined to be discarded anyway.

Maybe it's also because they don't have as rich a lore as the Charr, Humans and Norn do, because we know them already from Guild Wars 1. Oh yeah, and the Ewoks Asura, of course...

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9 minutes ago, Mutisija.5017 said:

the story has been extremely sylvari biased up until end of HoT, and i think its fair to give other races their turns to shine. and this comes from someone whose favorite race is sylvari.

Agreed. Trahearne, Scarlet, Caithe, Faolain, Aerin, Wynne, Laranthir.. they were major characters in Core, Season 1, Season 2 and HoT. 

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