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Make Tool Kit the Swappable Weapon Kit for Core Engi.


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Similar to Bladesworn. Make Tool Kit the “other” swappable weapon when you’re in combat. 

1. Change AA to Throw Wrench that “Ricochets”. 

( This way you can fix Turrets easier.) 

2. Box of  Nails, reduce casting time to 1/4 seconds and increase radius. 



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As... humorous as this one is, I earnestly cannot tell how far Poe's Law is in effect or not.

They don't want you to play with Turrets. The devs are on record from years ago stating they regret implementing turrets into the game with how exploitable of a playstyle they turned out to be. Honestly, there aren't many times that you can say what I'm about to say with regards to anything in this game, but Turrets are the exception:

If you're playing Engineer with Turrets as a build focus, then you're playing it completely wrong.

A couple of them have excellent toolbelt skills (That have been nerfed into the ground since the Static Discharge build from several years ago is no longer viable), they have brilliant short-term deployment uses (The drop-pick-up gameplay style works stupidly well with them, even if it is clunky), and...

No, I'm out of positives to say about them.

The repair function on the Tool Kit is more or less a vestigial vertebrae at this point. It isn't needed, it doesn't do anything, and any time that it IS useful, something drastically wrong and against nature is being done.

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On 4/20/2022 at 2:26 PM, Kusumura.8642 said:

If you're playing Engineer with Turrets as a build focus, then you're playing it completely wrong.



Memes aside, I think it's funny that the jade mech is basically what turrets should have been:

  1. Mobile
  2. Active skill control
  3. Affected by boons
  4. Inherits stats

And if you squint hard enough, power mech is literally rifle + rocket turret in one package...


If Anet decides to make Toolkit the weapon swap, PLEASE KEEP THE AUTO ATTACK MELEE. I am so sick and tired of projectile hate on core engi. Mace should have been core...

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1 hour ago, dvomd.4307 said:



Memes aside, I think it's funny that the jade mech is basically what turrets should have been:

  1. Mobile
  2. Active skill control
  3. Affected by boons
  4. Inherits stats

And if you squint hard enough, power mech is literally rifle + rocket turret in one package...


If Anet decides to make Toolkit the weapon swap, PLEASE KEEP THE AUTO ATTACK MELEE. I am so sick and tired of projectile hate on core engi. Mace should have been core...

This. All of this. +1

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I actually agree with this to be honest, I find myself using toolkit in a lot of builds as the mixture of condi and power damage combined with the shield and magnet are extremely useful. It's not a far stretch for a kit that outlines the engineers core identity to be baseline. 


I also agree on turrets. I saw the sad decline of turrets from their inability to gain boons/be healed by anything but toolkit/move being balanced out by their immunity to conditions and potential to be strategically placed to avoid taking too much damage/be blown up. They were eventually nerfed with the ability to throw them up onto ledges being removed and once they became susceptible to conditions that was all they wrote. We were left with turrets that could not move, gain boons or be placed strategically that are easily destroyed just by laying a few conditions into them. Then they did indeed nerf static discharge and make toolbelt rocket a ground targeted ability just to put the final nail in the coffin and kill their last build niche outside of experimental turrets + healing and thumper turrets. I hope they're buffed again/reworked one day seen as there's even a whole elite skill dedicated to them that's been made nigh obsolete, but for now it seems that turrets are Arena Nets demonology warlock. 

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