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Ally Targeting on Support Specter Feels Like a Failed Mechanic


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On 5/5/2022 at 2:16 AM, ArcanistSeven.8720 said:

its so bad i want an option to turn ally targeting off. i tried support spectre and every time time i do i switch to heal Alac Renegade because it does the same thing spectre does but can give 20 stacks of might and doesnt feel like kitten.

I've gotten top DPS a few times while playing Alac Specter (mostly on Junkyard, which massively rewards being able to continue applying conditions at range). It's a really smooth and powerful build. But the full-support target-your-allies version just doesn't seem worth it to me. So much work and you won't group-heal much better than any other Consume-Shadows Specter and can't upkeep the other 4-5 boons that dedicated defensive supports are supposed to provide.

And I think the paucity of Stability, Aegis, Reflect, and Condi Cleansing makes it rather luckluster as a support in SPvP as well.

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On 4/24/2022 at 6:04 AM, Xarrontas.7948 said:

I think specter will never be viable in any game mode, I have tried multiple builds for specter from support to dps in pve/high end pve/wvw/pvp.

In pvp it might be good, but for wvw (anet claimed it was support to protect the king) it is horrid. For PVE its not even a support but rather an insane dps build as long you have an allied to share Rot passive with. Its very clunky in term of support/dps, the playstyle is wierd af. One benefit is that its very easy, spam all buttons. I hope they will rework this spec by june as most of the eod specs are mediocre at best.


Edit : I honestly think reworking it to be able to support 5 man (4 man leech) would make specter support instantly viable, ofc it would need some changes. I think siphon should keep its usage, the instant revive sihpon is super epic.

Scepter is viable in pve.... as dps LOL. They totally failed it as support spec. I agree with everything OP posted. Other classes do it better without needing any targeting. Single target support is not even rewarding - you would think it would eh.

Edited by Cynz.9437
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3 hours ago, Cynz.9437 said:

Scepter is viable in pve.... as dps LOL. They totally failed it as support spec. I agree with everything OP posted. Other classes do it better without needing any targeting. Single target support is not even rewarding - you would think it would eh.

I'm not arguing anyone's point, single target support in GW2's current screen clutter and UI is shaky, but I don't feel like Specter is supposed to be a straight up support. The way I see it currently, is that I pick someone who I think needs to stay up and operating, not just keeping them alive by a sliver, then turn them into my weapon by keeping them up and operating. Watching my Rot Wallow Venom ticks from an ally who's thic, has a good aoe spread and range, and knows how to cloud a bit, and bonus if they have Dragon Banner or something feels like a good pace and system right now and I can jump around being a fixer-upper to a point that I can still operate my new weapon.

That's along with the group barrier venom. Mostly agree with you guys though, in general the specter player base might need something more reflexive to compete. 

Edit to whoever: keep being confused. It's your time on Specter.

Edited by kash.9213
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