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2nd weapon set mainhand weapon


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What should my weapon loadout look like if I see something like this in a build:


Does that mean I need to buy 2 swords, one for each weapon set? Or will 1 sword be ok, but only use an offhand in my 2nd weapon set?

I ask because the boon duration sigil in the sword is important for chrono, and Im not sure if not having a sword in my 2nd weapon set will still cause the mainhand sigil to activate when I switch sets. In other words, if I have sword/shield and nothing/focus, will I still get the sigil activation when switching to the nothing/focus set? Or does the 2nd set also need a separate sword in it?

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hmm the sigil wording is misleading then if thats true

it says "xxx when you switch TO this weapon...", but if I only have 1 sword, and I switch weapon sets, the sword is always equipped so Im never switching to it technically. so the sigil will still activate in this case, despite the wording? because as you said, its only the offhand thats switching...

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The wording is confusing but a better way to think of it is to think of the fact that when you swap weapons, you sheath them and then draw the new set. The same sword is being used but it is "redrawn" so the sigil effects do trigger. This goes for elementalists and weapon swap sigils. The trigger on changing attunements as an elementalist has no actual weapon swap.

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