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LI Builds are getting whack.


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Every game, has "Easy modes" to playing classes/Proffessions to a degree which can get them through content, they generally do. to cater to audiences which cannot simply use, Do not want to use or havent learn how to use the optimised rotations to maximise their DPS. theres always things you can remove from rotations etc etc which will make rotations easier at the cost of doing Lower maximum DPS. but likely more DPS then u'd effectively reach playing actual rotation poorly... or maybe reduce your chances of death by allowing more concentration on the fight instead of your own mechanical skill concerning your rotation.


this game, has gone further then this. we have reached a point there are LI builds existing.. that are so short in gap from optimised rotations, this has moved into a More degenerative style of gameplay. where the skill ceiling is rapidly losing value which means its no longer a build created for players who dont want to.. or cannot do optimised builds, to a its Not worth my time to use a optimised build. this is a dangerous situation to realistically stick yourself in, because it simply looks really bad from a outside point of view looking in on the game, because anyone looking for raid content or high end gameplay is simply going to be met with AFK Builds conquering the highest difficulties and its simply just going to look like some sorta Easy mode cash grab.

and internally, its Simply killing the point of actually engaging with the game beyond the most basic method.

im not gonig to say the Skill cap of the game is Dying. but i will say the Skill Cap is becoming more and more ignorable.

LI builds should exist. this isnt a Gatekeep, this isnt a Complaint to say they shouldnt exist either. im simply saying they should be controlled. i fully beleive every proffession should have a LI build which nets 25k sustained DPS (Maximum). this is a DPS Input which would allow a Player to do all content in the game. However this should be accounted with via the fact a Optimised rotation will do 40k DPS.

Do not kill the value of Optimised builds, I watch Players doing sub 15k DPS Completing Strikes casually and Pretty easily to stack, the idea that Players NEED to be able to access 30k DPS in LI builds. just isnt a valid argument nor should it be one actually being put into practice in the game.

If u want a Raid Scene. or a Competitive PvE Game to succeed, There has to be Both the Skill floor low enough to ensure Everyone can get involved. but also the Skill ceiling to Push players with that mindset forward to achieve, currently ur getting slightly better at one and Worse at the other,

it wont look good on a Steam launch. or Anything that brings players into GW2. if they 1 month into gameplay see themselves Storm a CM Mode strike using a 3 button build it simply wont. you will lose players pretty fast if u fail to engage them in anyway or actually give the game some value to Player growth.

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Its been a growing trend lately where people get offended if you imply they should want to improve. Low Intensity was largely promoted as a gateway to more complexity. Get a feel for mechanics and then work on improving your rotation over time. 

Engineer theoretically should be the ideal example of this, but suggest working in a kit and you lose some of these new blood engies. Once you understand how the core mechanics of the pet work, once you have mastered your first 5 weapon buttons, add a kit, practice swapping and hitting 2 or 3 buttons and swapping back. Once you master that add another kit and do it again. Not all builds will use kits, and some builds with have variance in the kits they even want to bring. But once you have a handle on it, you can adapt to anything mechanist throws at you. Its the most versatile class in the game once you master it. 

You can get a bit of that with other classes as well. Learn your class piece meal. Break the rotation and weapon swaps up into segments, learn them individually and then start weaving them together as a package. You wont think of ele as pressing 30 buttons, you will be like... fire attunement! Press your buttons, swap. Air Attunement Go! 

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4 hours ago, Jaricko.6143 said:

Its been a growing trend lately where people get offended if you imply they should want to improve. Low Intensity was largely promoted as a gateway to more complexity. Get a feel for mechanics and then work on improving your rotation over time. 

Engineer theoretically should be the ideal example of this, but suggest working in a kit and you lose some of these new blood engies. Once you understand how the core mechanics of the pet work, once you have mastered your first 5 weapon buttons, add a kit, practice swapping and hitting 2 or 3 buttons and swapping back. Once you master that add another kit and do it again. Not all builds will use kits, and some builds with have variance in the kits they even want to bring. But once you have a handle on it, you can adapt to anything mechanist throws at you. Its the most versatile class in the game once you master it. 

You can get a bit of that with other classes as well. Learn your class piece meal. Break the rotation and weapon swaps up into segments, learn them individually and then start weaving them together as a package. You wont think of ele as pressing 30 buttons, you will be like... fire attunement! Press your buttons, swap. Air Attunement Go! 

Well yes I don't expect everyone to want to perfect themselves and be a minmaxer. 

But when LI builds can burst for 40k dps. And others sustain 30k - 34k dps is mental.

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On 7/2/2022 at 5:50 AM, Daddy.8125 said:

this game, has gone further then this. we have reached a point there are LI builds existing.. that are so short in gap from optimised rotations, this has moved into a More degenerative style of gameplay. where the skill ceiling is rapidly losing value which means its no longer a build created for players who dont want to.. or cannot do optimised builds, to a its Not worth my time to use a optimised build. this is a dangerous situation to realistically stick yourself in, because it simply looks really bad from a outside point of view looking in on the game, because anyone looking for raid content or high end gameplay is simply going to be met with AFK Builds conquering the highest difficulties and its simply just going to look like some sorta Easy mode cash grab.

This is the intended vision. They moved their cancelled mobile game devs to GW2.

action combat game btw

Edited by Kozumi.5816
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