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Anet u want Bladesworn to be played?


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Imagine all 3 dps specs of warr got 3 different playstyles. Letz just see the PvP-Side:

Berserker: One Trick pony teamfight dps or direct hard cc dps spec as sidenoder.

Spellbraker: CC-Spamy boonrip shout teamfighter or 1vx boonrip sidenoder/point holder.

Bladesworn: 1v1 sidenode /point holder with some condi cleanes and Single targed dps


Now letz see the PvE-Group instanced-Side:

Now here all warr specs are basicly the same only difference here is:

Berserker: high dps cleave dmg (condi and power)  also some amount of cc

Spellbraker: some dps cleave dmg but passive playstyle (also pretty decent as tank against raidbosses)

Bladesworn: pretty kitten high Single targed dmg


Now letz see the PvE-OpenWorld-Side:

Berserker: high cleave dmg pretty glassy (good in Group fights against Mobs with low healthbar)

Spellbrake: some cleave dmg with decent self sustain (good against groups with high cleave dmg and higher healthbar)

Bladesworn: high Single targed dmg with good self sustain (good against bosses with big healthbar and big dps but struggle im Group fights) 


So those specs are pretty selfish with low boon support since warr isnt focused on boons. What warr rly do miss is just a dps/Support spec and im just in hope that we might get one with next Expansion in my hope xd!

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