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Pvp Legendary armor

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I saw here on forum and some topics on reddit about pvp legendary armor cost.

There were some links to gw2 efficiency. I read that one piece of armor costs like around 320-350g or so.

So I made one item...and it was like 120 or so gold for me.


I mean is it misinformation? Or 350g means you can craft it by craft station?

I had all materials like mystic clovers,  pvp tickets, pvp shards, spirit shards, scended shards of glory.

I did not have only t4-t6 mats and stabilizing matrices.

I mean it is obvious that when someone ask about PVP Legendary armor cost it means you have PVP tickets, shards, grandmaster marks, etc.

Also why gw2 efficiency show you need insane amount of spirit shards for all 6 pieces which is not true. You need less.

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You probably had a lot of materials already in your bank.

You can make an API key in your account page, then log into gw2efficiency and post it there. 

Then gw2efficiency can calculate how much it will cost for you if you at the top of the crafting page enable "use own materials".


The 350g is just the ballpark how much you should expect it to cost based on material costs on the TP which are likely to vary a lot.


Nobody is "lying" to you, don't be paranoid.

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1 hour ago, ruikarikun.9402 said:

I saw here on forum and some topics on reddit about pvp legendary armor cost.

There were some links to gw2 efficiency. I read that one piece of armor costs like around 320-350g or so.

GW2efficiency calculates the total cost based around all components which can have a value attributed to them.


So I made one item...and it was like 120 or so gold for me.

I'm going assume you mean it cost you 120 liquid gold, as in you had to spend 120 gold.


I mean is it misinformation? Or 350g means you can craft it by craft station?

I had all materials like mystic clovers,  pvp tickets, pvp shards, spirit shards, scended shards of glory.

Mystic Clovers, spirits shards, shards of glory all have value. If you had them not on hand, you would have had to pay that value.


I did not have only t4-t6 mats and stabilizing matrices.

I mean it is obvious that when someone ask about PVP Legendary armor cost it means you have PVP tickets, shards, grandmaster marks, etc.

It is obvious? Why? Is it obvious to someone who is just starting out? What about someone who has never pvped?


Also why gw2 efficiency show you need insane amount of spirit shards for all 6 pieces which is not true. You need less.

If you want an accurate cost value based around using all the materials you already have on hand, there is an option at the top which allows you to filter for that. Out of the box, gw2efficiency gives you the total cost for an item because it can't magical assume what you have or are willing to spend of your materials.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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5 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Mystic Clovers, spirits shards, shards of glory all have value. If you had them not on hand, you would have had to pay that value.

You can't buy ascended shards of glory by gold only earn by season coffers. And in guides there are info how much months it is. So such things will be farmed.

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2 minutes ago, ruikarikun.9402 said:

t4-t6 materials for Gift of Condensed Might can't cost 300g. Rest materials like pvp shards/glory shards/tickets/grandmaster marks/spirit shards need to be earned during seasons not bought.



Glorious Hero's Armguards (gw2efficiency states they cost 264g to craft)

15 Mystic Clovers - 40 gold

1 Gift of Condensed Might - 85g

1 Gift of Condensed Magic - 99g


1 Cube of Stabilizing Dark Energy - 19g80s


1 Jar of Distilled Glory - 19g30s


40+85+99+19.8+19.3 = 263.1g


I mean if you can't read through the list when the site tells you exactly how much every single item costs.....

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12 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

It is obvious? Why? Is it obvious to someone who is just starting out? What about someone who has never pvped?

I do not understand. Can you make pvp armor without shards of glory or tickets so it is obvious you need to farm it during seasons.

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4 minutes ago, ruikarikun.9402 said:

You can't buy ascended shards of glory by gold only earn by season coffers. And in guides there are info how much months it is. So such things will be farmed.

all items which have no value assigned to them do not get added into the calculation. All items which CAN be bought or some way acquired via gold, like Mystic Clovers, will have gold values attributed to them. I mean I am unsure what you are discussing here. The list gw2efficiency gives you lists EXACTLY what costs how much if you buy it. It does NOT differentiate between if you have the item on hand or not unless you active that option at the top under USE OWN MATERIALS.

All items which can NOT be bought are listed with their respective currency of acquisition or are not given a value and one has to read up, like gift of battle or gift of exploration.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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35 minutes ago, ruikarikun.9402 said:

You can't buy ascended shards of glory by gold only earn by season coffers. And in guides there are info how much months it is. So such things will be farmed.

I mean Cyninja broke it down already, but umm, read the full buy list?

gw2efficiency assumes, if you don't check "use your own materials" that you have nothing.

Then first thing it does is make you buy Mystic Coins to gamble for clovers. This used to bring the price to 350g and up by itself in some occasions when MC were 2g+.

Then, well, Cyninja wrote it for you i'm not gonna repeat it...


Use the use own materials function and it will calculate the correct price for you.

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Here, if you still can't grasp how it works:




One price is assuming you have nothing, therefore it calculates everyting that can be bought off TP into the price. The tickets are excluded from this calculation, you have to earn them and there's no other way.


The other price is with my API key, where it can see what i have in my bank/storage, and it gives me the price of gold i'd have to pay upfront (buying on TP), to make it, and ALSO, tells me how much liquid gold the materials in my storage are worth!


So since i have enough clovers, it's not counting MC, and withuot MC, when you add the cost of materials, plus upfront cost, you would get the price that it calculates without the API key.

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On 7/16/2022 at 5:17 PM, ruikarikun.9402 said:

There were some links to gw2 efficiency. I read that one piece of armor costs like around 320-350g or so.

So I made one item...and it was like 120 or so gold for me.

The 320 Gold does include everything you may need. It is the maximum gold cost these items cost. Also the price depends on the current trading post prices. Everything that you acquired before hand will bring the price down. The cost include everything you can buy. To give some examples. You probably didn't hurt for Mystic clovers, but if you do run out you can craft them with mystic coins. Coins have a gold value so the site will calculate the value of clovers you got for "free". Also shard of glory can be traded as such they have a value you didn't pay. But if you FastTrack for legendary armor you can actually run out of normal shards and have to buy them. You can also run out of grandmaster tokens, which you also can craft in addition to the ones you get through normal gameplay. Another cost you probably didn't pay.


On 7/16/2022 at 5:17 PM, ruikarikun.9402 said:

I did not have only t4-t6 mats and stabilizing matrices.

As PvP reward track bring some t4-t6 you had to have some, if you not routinely empty your bank. Maybe you missed them being stored instantly in the material storage? Another thing  that will bring the cost down.

23 hours ago, ruikarikun.9402 said:

Rest materials like pvp shards/glory shards/tickets/grandmaster marks/spirit shards need to be earned during seasons not bought.

Lesser shard/grandmaster mark/Spirits shards all can run out for a variety of reasons. Sites will generally give you the max cost in Gold. 

So a rough estimate for your case:

300 g Base cost (you looked it probably up while TP prices where high)

300- 40 (cost of crafting Mystic Clover)=260  // Can run out if you do another legendary

260-35(cost of crafting grandmaster marks) =225 // can run out if you speed run PvP 

225-30(all shards of glory you need) =195 //can run out if you speed run or you sold them for one reason or another

195-75(the value of the t4-t6 mats you had in your bank) = 120 Gold you payed.

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