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Dragon's End meta and map instance mechanics

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2 hours ago, Tanek.5983 said:

Do you run it starting with a set group? Specific time of day? Most of the times I've been able to get in there, the map works on the preparations and then people either vanish or say they aren't going to help with the fight.

We almost succeeded at one, but I suspect there were not quite enough of us working at it (or we just did not have enough damage). Timed out with a few % to go.

No particular group. Just from LFG listings but I'd imagine better success rate if at prime time (the 3 metas after NA reset for me) since almost guarantee for full squads. There's usually at least 3 to 5+ full squads running the metas at any of those times. And haven't heard any complains from any of those of failures.

1 hour ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

Because the whole point of the OW is random player interaction, reserving an instance entirely for your squad defeats that purpose, so when that happens, the content might as well be organized instanced content. And even if you have a comm, and your players zone in with you, I still think that the map should have randos that are outside your group to at least give the potential of interaction between your guild and new people. 

There are almost guarantee to be some randoms who'll join a squad from any given maps. Very very few squads will start off with a full contingent before entering the map. Squads will pick up the rest either from the maps or from re-listing again and again on LFG.

OW metas, like AB, are no different. You list on LFG to get players who wished to join the meta onto your instance, thus excluding those who are just farming the maps. You are essentially reserving the instance for the meta. Those not on the same map will keep spamming "Join" and hoping for non-meta players to leave. You try to maximize the successes.

You use the word "Guild". I've yet to do any of the DE meta as part of an organized guild event. Always with random LFG squads.

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