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4K Monitor Player seeking method for making "Party List" UI component much larger

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I play on a 43" 4K Monitor, and despite having the UI set to "LARGER" under Graphics Settings in Options, the party window is still WAAAY too small. I'm desperate to find a method for making that UI party larger still, if possible. Anyone have any suggestions or am I just out of luck?

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On 7/25/2022 at 12:31 AM, Endaris.1452 said:

Very dumb question, just to make sure, how big did you drag it?

Very dumb answer! You can *drag it* ? I've got the UI set to "LARGER" in options, which did little to nothing for the party window. I've tried resizing it but that seems to only reformat squad layouts. Also there's a "Simplified Party UI" setting in options, but that's even more useless.


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I don't think it can be resized but you can swap party and chat window locations, which might be of some help. To do this grab the chat window from the right side of the channel tabs and drag it over the party panel. You can do the same with the UI elements on the other side. Sadly the game is lacking in UI customization and improvements to this have been requested numerous times.

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Finally found a solution that works. I've been pondering about this for months. 


We use the built-in Magnifier tool of the operating system (Win10/11). It allows to place a customizable magnifying-glass on your screen. Positioning is a bit clunky, obviously, but there are a few easy work-arounds. We position the the small window above the party-menue and stretch it to our needs, then adjust the magnification.



- windows search/cortana "magnifier" and execute the app
- aim for the sprocket in the new toolbar => settings
- view => have magnifier follow my:
=>  uncheck mouse cursor
=> check Text Cursor
- Open your GW2 client and get into a party
- windows search/cortana "notepad) and execute the app
- position the editor around the same location, the party-window would be
Note: Sometimes you need to press ENTER to force the magnifier to remember that is has to aim for the text-cursor. 
- swap between game and notepad until you have found the perfect position
- select a magnifying % in the toolbar and adjust the window-size to your needs
- back to settings => have magnifier follow my: uncheck Text Cursor
Note: Now nothing should be checked and the magnifier should be locked in position, magnifying only your party-window when in GW2.

If you plan to use it, I recommend using a shortcut to activate the magnifier-app. So you can turn it on and off easily. 
I've tested it multiple times. It works in both fullscreen and windowed mode of GW2 and the magnifier appears to remember the last position I moved it, as well as the other settings. 

As with most of my stuff, this is a makeshift-solution. This can not and should not be the answer to the limited UI customization of GW2. I hope they come up with something better for people with large screens. If you know of a better solution, please share it. 

And if you know an easier method to set up the magnifier, I would be very happy to learn about that as well. 

Edited by HnRkLnXqZ.1870
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