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Make the Soulbeast aura completely fade away like the Untamed does


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  • 3 months later...
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As fun as the Soulbeast specialization is, the aura still is rather tiresome to look at constantly. And it still does, in my opinion, hinder the creativity of outfits as no matter what style you go for, you've got to take the green aura with vines into account.

In addition to the the Soulbeast aura, there's also some visual bugs tied to Soulbeast that I hope will get fixed in time: The main-hand dagger also has the green weapon trail (the weapon trail from the ability effect) stuck to the blade indefinitely if you miss your target with your auto-attack until you hit something or use another ability. Doesn't matter if you have your dagger drawn or stowed. And sometimes the merged skills also leave a vine effect stuck to the characters hand. That happened to me a few times while merged with the Rock Gazelle when using the merged skill Charge.

Now, these visuals are obviously not gamebreaking. The specialization runs great in my opinion and I've had fun playing Soulbeast for a very long time now. But in all this time the aura has also been rather tiresome to look at. And I must admit it doesn't get any less tiresome over time. Not to me at least. Especially when there sometimes are even more visual effects on top of the aura (even though they're probably bugs) to also impact the visuals of the character, as mentioned above.

And I want to praise ArenaNet for having made a very fun elite specialization back when PoF came out, but I really hope they will do something about the visuals. Because visuals might not impact the playability directly, but visuals does still have its key role when it comes to enjoyment. Especially when we play a MMORPG where we get to collect alot of skins and cosmetics we can use to express our characters in their individuality. Being tied to costumizing our rangers around the green aura hinders that said creativity real fast, in my opinion.

I really hope ArenaNet will do something about the constant effects being tied to Soulbeast, and also other specializations affected of other constant effects for that matter, so we can go more in-depth with our characters design. And I also think it would just make the game more pleasing to look at, so we don't have to constantly look at visual auras up close. Especially as they have already acknowledged that visual effects can be too much at times and have implemented the allied visual-effect filtering.

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7 minutes ago, Runechrome.8419 said:

As fun as the Soulbeast specialization is, the aura still is rather tiresome to look at constantly. And it still does, in my opinion, hinder the creativity of outfits as no matter what style you go for, you've got to take the green aura with vines into account.

In addition to the the Soulbeast aura, there's also some visual bugs tied to Soulbeast that I hope will get fixed in time: The main-hand dagger also has the green weapon trail (the weapon trail from the ability effect) stuck to the blade indefinitely if you miss your target with your auto-attack until you hit something or use another ability. Doesn't matter if you have your dagger drawn or stowed. And sometimes the merged skills also leave a vine effect stuck to the characters hand. That happened to me a few times while merged with the Rock Gazelle when using the merged skill Charge.

Now, these visuals are obviously not gamebreaking. The specialization runs great in my opinion and I've had fun playing Soulbeast for a very long time now. But in all this time the aura has also been rather tiresome to look at. And I must admit it doesn't get any less tiresome over time. Not to me at least. Especially when there sometimes are even more visual effects on top of the aura (even though they're probably bugs) to also impact the visuals of the character, as mentioned above.

And I want to praise ArenaNet for having made a very fun elite specialization back when PoF came out, but I really hope they will do something about the visuals. Because visuals might not impact the playability directly, but visuals does still have its key role when it comes to enjoyment. Especially when we play a MMORPG where we get to collect alot of skins and cosmetics we can use to express our characters in their individuality. Being tied to costumizing our rangers around the green aura hinders that said creativity real fast, in my opinion.

I really hope ArenaNet will do something about the constant effects being tied to Soulbeast, and also other specializations affected of other constant effects for that matter, so we can go more in-depth with our characters design. And I also think it would just make the game more pleasing to look at, so we don't have to constantly look at visual auras up close. Especially as they have already acknowledged that visual effects can be too much at times and have implemented the allied visual-effect filtering.

I could not agree more.

With the splitting of weapons from elite specializations and me learning that apparently we will be allowed to choose which version of Hammer we want to use, I was looking forward to Hammer Soulbeast a bit, but then quickly remembered the merged particle annoyance.

I wish Arenanet gave it the same treatment as the Untamed mud effect.

Including the Soulbeast ones, I wish we could turn off all of the passive particle effects.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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I got my first legendary aurene weapon few days ago and now I wish I mained something other than Soulbeast. That feeling of betrayal when I see beautiful glow from Aurene weapon and relatively fitting birthday enrichment get mucked into Soulbeast musk the moment I merge was something no amount of wardrobe option could fix

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  • 3 months later...

Hello again everyone!

I would like to bring this thread back up, as I still really hope for this change!

I've actually gone so far as to having leveled a few alts up to max level and have played on them for a while in hope for a new main, as the visuals, as mentioned in previous responses, are getting too much in the long run. And I feel my creativity is still hindered, as I always have to make sure that my character's style also fits the constant green aura... Yet I always return to my ranger, and I've done so again. It's by far one of my favourite classes and I personally think it has the overall some of the most fun and enjoyable mechanics and gameplay - including Soulbeast! And it feels amazing that ArenaNet has put this specialization together, but also bad at the same time that it's so hindered by its visuals compared to other specialization. Also, I've seen some Virtuosos complaining about the same issue with constant visuals in regards to their hovering blades. So, it doesn't seem that Soulbeasts are the only ones bothered by it (in my personal observations at least), and I personally agree with them aswell, to which I also hope for a similar situation for the Virtuoso specialization with the hovering blades.


And I must admit, I do have trouble understanding the purpose of this aura. So far I've seen other Soulbeasts in PvE AND PvP where their auras weren't visible to me. And I don't see why it would be necessary for me to determine whether other Soulbeasts are merged or not in PvE anyways. I can understand the concept in PvP, but I also have to say that it didn't bother me at all, as I ran into an opponent with their aura not visible recently. I had an easy enough time to determine whether the opposing Soulbeast were merged or not based on, well, whether they had a their pet present or not. They also have a buff indicating whether they're merged, so I don't see it as a necessity in PvP. Although, if people think it's useful for them in PvP, I would suggest an option in the options menu to enable it called something like "Class visibility effects" (I'm all for a better name for that option), just like we have an option to enable "Standard models" and such for easier readability in PvP, if that's what some prefer. But all in all, if I'm sometimes unable to see other peoples Soulbeasts auras in PvE and PvP anyways, I don't see the purpose of it being constantly being visible. Not to mention the other points made earlier in this thread for the constant aura being too much.

TL;DR: Bottom line I think Soulbeast is a great and fun specialization, but I really do hope we can have the Soulbeast aura fading away like the Untamed aura does. And also to have the visual affects of the main-hand dagger and beast abilities fixed aswell.

Thank you for reading!

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The untamed one is god awful..I'd like them to work on the visuals of that spec first before touching sb leaves..cause at the end of the day you can unmerge to look at your character... untamed looks like you or your pet are drowning in opaque sewage...like??? The spec that features the pet makes the pet look..just washed out?? Why???

Even the untamed pet abilities, they ranted about visual clutter and nerfed so many actually good visuals..wth is the clown fiesta that happens with untamed abilities..all of it just random green mess no attempt to refine it and make it something legible and not just a blob of dirty green noise that moves around.

Exploding spores is literally!! Copy paste 6 druids ca 2 ability, make it black and green, and put them in a circle???? What?????..well..I know what it is..but yeah SB has tons of great visuals to be hung up on that but yeah sure.

Edited by aetemes.2603
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As much as I agree with the points and solutions suggested there is something that needs to be taken in consideration.

The engine used in GW2 is an old modified one that is getting updates and upgrades (slowly but is is happening), there might be a technical limitation (for now at least?) That is not letting this change happen when it comes to how they built soulbeast merge mechanic and also there can be a priority limitation that they are not recognizing it as anything worth investing time for.

One example for the technical limitation that only gives a visual bad feedback is when using Unleash ranger on untamed, yes the visuals go away but depending on your hardware you see the visual goes away, strips your char from ANY visual effect like infusions and then applies those visuals, most likely they would have done it seamless but you can see something is going on with it.

Anywho I am up for a toggle for "Display Class/Spec Unique Auras".

Edited by DarkFlopy.8197
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@aetemes.2603 I don't want to take your point from you, as I also feel Untamed could use a few touches here and there (e.g. let us autocast the unleashed pet abilities). However, that doesn't take away from the point of the Soulbeast aura being visually cluttering. Especially, as it would probably require less work to implement, as they have managed to implement it for Untamed already.

And no, you can't just unmerge to get rid of the Soulbeast aura. Well, technically you're correct, but that would reduce us to core rangers, and then there wouldn't be any point to having the Soulbeast specialization except for the traitline and the utility abilities. Therefore, in any content that requires any type of combat, you're forced to look at the Soulbeast aura, whether you like or not.


@DarkFlopy.8197 I think that's an incredibly fair point to bring forward. I haven't read their code, so in the end I'm not to determine what's possible and what's not. I just get the impression, from the client's point of view, that they managed to implement it for the Untamed mechanic, which I assume is similar to the Soulbeast mechanic, as both of them seem to work as a "form change" based on that they both change a skillset with their merge/unleash button. 

But I am at a point where I would actually rather want these visual updates for Soulbeast rather than a gameplay update. 

On 7/15/2023 at 7:43 PM, Fueki.4753 said:

With the splitting of weapons from elite specializations and me learning that apparently we will be allowed to choose which version of Hammer we want to use, I was looking forward to Hammer Soulbeast a bit, but then quickly remembered the merged particle annoyance.

I just agree with this statement. I think Soulbeast has some amazing gameplay mechanics, but the visuals are getting overbearing.

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  • 2 months later...

Been away from the game for a while. I see that we're all still patiently awaiting a solution here.

Whether someone likes the aura or not, I think any objective person would agree that it's ridiculous we are made to wear such a vivid graphic on our character while in a transformation state that a lot of players never leave until they die, mount, or switch maps.
Surely it doesn't make sense that every Soulbeast should be forced to base their character's look around a persistent graphic. And it's not subtle, the graphic absolutely consumes us.
Where's the sense of identity and creativity in every Soulbeast walking around in a lime green outfit? Especially in a game with such depth and breadth of character customization. And I think it's safe to say that the vast majority of players do care about how their character looks in the game that is well-known for, and tailors much of their marketing to, character visuals . . .

Once again—even though it is likely in vain—I plead with you to please add an option to toggle these types of graphics off, Anet.

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4 hours ago, CipherNine.9273 said:

Been away from the game for a while. I see that we're all still patiently awaiting a solution here.

Whether someone likes the aura or not, I think any objective person would agree that it's ridiculous we are made to wear such a vivid graphic on our character while in a transformation state that a lot of players never leave until they die, mount, or switch maps.
Surely it doesn't make sense that every Soulbeast should be forced to base their character's look around a persistent graphic. And it's not subtle, the graphic absolutely consumes us.
Where's the sense of identity and creativity in every Soulbeast walking around in a lime green outfit? Especially in a game with such depth and breadth of character customization. And I think it's safe to say that the vast majority of players do care about how their character looks in the game that is well-known for, and tailors much of their marketing to, character visuals . . .

Once again—even though it is likely in vain—I plead with you to please add an option to toggle these types of graphics off, Anet.

Even when my Rangers wear a similar green, the effect is off-putting.

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18 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

Saying "it's overwhelming" would censor my opinion in such a way that my opinion can't even be guessed anymore.

Hah. The really annoying part is that they've pretended this sentiment doesn't exist for years, even though it wouldn't be that hard to act on in some capacity.

Even if there's some engine limitation preventing them from disabling the aura entirely, simply adding an option to make it transparent would be extremely welcome. I can't imagine adding a check box that removed its color would be impossible to do.

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7 hours ago, CipherNine.9273 said:

I can't imagine adding a check box that removed its color would be impossible to do.

Well that's what the art department in my company always say and then I'm asking them "did you write the code?" and they can't answer.

Words are nice, simple, but the actions are the important part, it depends how it was built.

A checkbox or a toggle can always be added but will it work that's the question.

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38 minutes ago, DarkFlopy.8197 said:

Well that's what the art department in my company always say and then I'm asking them "did you write the code?" and they can't answer.

Words are nice, simple, but the actions are the important part, it depends how it was built.

A checkbox or a toggle can always be added but will it work that's the question.

At the very least, they could re-use the code for the elemental "bracelets" that hides said "bracelets", if the weapons are stowed.

It's not perfect and certainly not a solution for everyone, but at least the effect would be gone, when the weapons are stowed.


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13 hours ago, DarkFlopy.8197 said:

Well that's what the art department in my company always say and then I'm asking them "did you write the code?" and they can't answer.

Words are nice, simple, but the actions are the important part, it depends how it was built.

A checkbox or a toggle can always be added but will it work that's the question.

The thing that doesn't make sense to me when people question whether or not it's possible to do this is the fact that they promptly made changes to Untamed graphics.

I think it's definitely a willingness problem rather than a technical one. If it was the latter, they could just say so and a lot of people calling for this would accept it and move on.

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7 hours ago, CipherNine.9273 said:

The thing that doesn't make sense to me when people question whether or not it's possible to do this is the fact that they promptly made changes to Untamed graphics.

I think it's definitely a willingness problem rather than a technical one. If it was the latter, they could just say so and a lot of people calling for this would accept it and move on.

I don't disagree with you but none of us is involved in the development, none of us know how it's built.

The fact that Spec A can do it but Spec B can't while they are both visual built the same doesn't mean that they are underneath, we don't know if Soulbeast was built in a specific way then some new guy came in didn't understand or wanted to understand how Soulbeast was built and decided to do a new approach for Untamed.

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  • 4 months later...

Hello again,

I think it is a good time to update this thread, as per the latest balance patch preview. The balance patch includes: "updated the unleashed visual effect so that it will fade out over time on both the pet and the player." It is great that ArenaNet is addressing some visual clutter for the Untamed, and I do appreciate their efforts! However, I wish they would also extend some of these improvements to Soulbeast as well.

There are still visual clutter issues with Soulbeast, such as bugs where the green trail from a dagger main-hand auto-attack gets stuck to the dagger, and green vines from beast abilities sometimes get stuck on the character's hands. But even with these bugs creating visual clutter, the Soulbeast visual effect swirling around the character is still the most significant issue. Therefore, I wish Soulbeast could get the same treatment regarding the fade of the visual effect just as Untamed does so well. And while it is fantastic that Untamed's visual effects now fade on the pet as well, the Soulbeast visual effects are far more prominent. Personally, I've grown quite tired of seeing green vines swirling around my character for years now.

Additionally, as originally mentioned in this thread, if the UI effects of the Soulbeast merge could be toned down a bit, that would be great as well. Having some visual effect on the skill bar to indicate a merge/form change is useful to quickly identify your character's state, but it is very prominent compared to Untamed, which has a much subtler visual indication.

To clarify, ArenaNet has done an excellent job with the visual fade for Untamed! There is a quick visual effect during the state change, but it quickly disappears, greatly reducing visual clutter. I very much wish for this treatment to be shared with Soulbeast, especially now that the Untamed pet also benefits from this excellent treatment.

Thank you for reading!

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This is the main thing that puts me off from soulbeast. Seems kinda nuts that this game is so intensely focused on making your character look the way you want to the point of it being the primary form of monetization, yet they have this spec where a bunch of green garbage covers you at all times.

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On 11/5/2022 at 8:53 AM, CETheLucid.3964 said:

Personally I kind of wish the Untamed aura stuck around a little longer than it does now. Not forever but a bit more than instantly fading away. That said if Untamed aura is going to instantly fade away than I guess the Soulbeast one can as well. Or maybe just keep the green aura without the swirly vine bits? I get it to bug out like that sometimes (aura but no vines) and it honestly looks better. 🤷‍♂️

Still this. Make it stick around for an extra two seconds or so on both the ranger and the pet. Goes away too fast. Slow down the fade effect by such or something? And apply the same idea to Soulbeast as well. You should still notice something happened (important honestly) and the effect is pretty cool. Want it to make an impact but not be covered in it forever.

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On 8/10/2022 at 5:12 PM, Runechrome.8419 said:

I would like to make the suggestion of having the Soulbeast aura fade away completely just like the Untamed. 

Yes please, for the love of everything, I'll pay 20k gems for this feature if I have to!

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