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A Funny GW2 Conversation Between My Husband and I.

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So, my husband works at a warehouse and he frequently tells about the goings on there. He kept mentioning a guy named Faren, who my husband describes as: "Fairly useful when he's not kitten." and I was like. 

"F'ing Faren..."

My husband raised his eyebrow and asked what I had against Faren. I giggled and brought up a picture of Lord Faren and showed him. He burst out laughing and he repeated my sentiment.

"Great, from now on, every time I see Faren, I'm gonna think of him dressed like that. Thanks, Tsakhi!" 

"You're welcome, I do what I can." 

Playful scowling and showing my friend the picture of Lord Faren ensues. More cussing and more playful glowering. 

I love my husband. XD

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I play with my wife and we often have playful banter while we're in game, as well as out of game. A bit dated now, but we were watching a show on Netflix and some one got shot off a horse, fell of a cliff and landed in the shallow river below on rocks and then in the next seen they were just running off like nothing happened. And I turned to my wife and said, "Must have had the half damage from falls trait selected."

We use that all the time now when someone survives something in a show that we think should have killed them.

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