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[UI / UX Suggestion] Combining Log-In rewards & Dailies into a single splash screen

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A minor suggestion saving players an extra click getting into the game after logging in is having a single splash screen displaying both the log-in reward and daily activities together.

Once a player logs in, they are prompted to click on the bouncing chest opening up their log-in rewards and then continue on to view the updated dailies activities for the day. These screens are always seen together and updated when the game clock resets which would make sense for them to be combined on the same pop-up saving players one extra step to click through, ultimately getting them into their gameplay quicker. 

Keeping in mind the current layout of the log-in rewards displaying 30 days of opportunity, using a more modern horizontal scrolling section would allow players to see their upcoming rewards, as well as seeing their past log-in accomplishments. Noting that log-in rewards follow the same 30 day pattern, seeing them over and over again start to feel a little redundant day after day. Creating a single line of rewards makes this track more visually digestible while allowing the players to interact with the timeline to view more if they choose. Keeping the current design techniques to mark important milestones along the timeline also gives great visual feedback for players to continue logging in.

As for the daily activities / quests, the base UI of the achievements panel uses a two column template which could be leveraged here to save on vertical space and reinforce what the players will see when are looking at their achievements screen. Keeping all of the same functionality is ideal as this is the "meat & potatoes" of the content.

Screenshot for reference / mockup (imgur)

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3 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

No thank you.  For those who don't want/need to check the daily every time they log in, then they would have to do the extra click to remove this proposed splash screen.  I've seen this in other MMOs (BnS specifically), and it's not something that I like.


Thanks for taking the time reading through and checking out the lil mock up I put together! Unfortunately, I don't understand how this would create an extra click for any one - do you mind elaborating on the user flow that would happen in order for this to occur?

This proposed single splash screen would completely remove an entire step all together (ie. the "continue" after opening the reset chest.) The Daily Quests screen only appears after the Log-In rewards screen, and in order to successfully claim your log-in reward you need to navigate all the way through the Dailies screen by clicking the "Okay" button. 

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4 minutes ago, Brickeli.3568 said:


Thanks for taking the time reading through and checking out the lil mock up I put together! Unfortunately, I don't understand how this would create an extra click for any one - do you mind elaborating on the user flow that would happen in order for this to occur?

This proposed single splash screen would completely remove an entire step all together (ie. the "continue" after opening the reset chest.) The Daily Quests screen only appears after the Log-In rewards screen, and in order to successfully claim your log-in reward you need to navigate all the way through the Dailies screen by clicking the "Okay" button. 

This isn't quite germane to the discussion, but you can right-click the daily chest to send it to your inventory immediately and bypass all those windows! You can actually do that with most bouncy chests, barring some of the ones from HoT map metas which still bring up a confirmation on either right- or left-click for some reason.

As to the topic - the entire Achievements panel really needs a UI overhaul (and the entire Hero panel, if I'm being honest)... there are so many nested categories that are nested in odd ways, so many categories for the same piece of content but in totally different locations, and so many intricate collections that really would be better served with their own quest/journal interface a la the story panel so you could reread their lore after you finish them (which could also be a good place to put a "library" of the collectible lorebooks that currently take up inventory space). For example: the LW return achievements for each individual chapter are in the main Side Stories category, but their meta-achievement Seasons of the Dragons is nested under a separate Side Stories category in Current Events. Surely all the chapters' achievements should be in the same category as the meta-achievement they belong to and not cluttering up the main Side Stories category? What is the difference between "basic" and "rare" collections that necessitates them being separate categories? etc. etc. etc.

I would definitely enjoy having the space that shows the login rewards calendar when you first open the Achievements panel also display all the dailies; it currently takes up a lot of screen real estate for something that isn't interactable. Maybe they could move the account bonus MF/XP/karma stats and Zenith/Radiant/Hellfire skin withdrawal panel somewhere else, because while those are related to achievements, it's always struck me as a strange place to put them. The titles dropdown, too. I think your UI mockup would fit very nicely where the current login rewards calendar is!

(The only minor nitpick I have with your mockup: please no more horizontal scrolly bars, lol. Char select annoys me enough as it is.)

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6 hours ago, mikansei.5742 said:

This isn't quite germane to the discussion, but you can right-click the daily chest to send it to your inventory immediately and bypass all those windows! You can actually do that with most bouncy chests, barring some of the ones from HoT map metas which still bring up a confirmation on either right- or left-click for some reason.

I had no idea you could do that with the bouncy chests lol thank you for the tip!! This will save a lot of time ping-ponging back and forth between clicking on the chest and accepting that good good loot


6 hours ago, mikansei.5742 said:

As to the topic - the entire Achievements panel really needs a UI overhaul (and the entire Hero panel, if I'm being honest)... there are so many nested categories that are nested in odd ways, so many categories for the same piece of content but in totally different locations, and so many intricate collections that really would be better served with their own quest/journal interface a la the story panel so you could reread their lore after you finish them (which could also be a good place to put a "library" of the collectible lorebooks that currently take up inventory space).

100% agree on having the Hero Panel being reworked / reviewed a bit. I think it's incredibly commendable that the team was able put everything in the game under one panel, but at the same time it makes for a pretty cluttered experience especially after being an active game for the past 10 years. The search function has been my saving grace when navigating the achievements panel, although I don't understand the filters that go along side of it. Personally, the players Story and Achievements go well together and share a lot of overlap, would be interesting to see how those could be reworked into each other. 


7 hours ago, mikansei.5742 said:

I would definitely enjoy having the space that shows the login rewards calendar when you first open the Achievements panel also display all the dailies; it currently takes up a lot of screen real estate for something that isn't interactable. Maybe they could move the account bonus MF/XP/karma stats and Zenith/Radiant/Hellfire skin withdrawal panel somewhere else, because while those are related to achievements, it's always struck me as a strange place to put them. The titles dropdown, too. I think your UI mockup would fit very nicely where the current login rewards calendar is!

I can agree here as well. Love having a "Summary" of accomplishments, but it doesn't feel extremely relevant to what I'm actually working on or towards in the game. The log-in rewards does push a lot of the other content down quite a bit too. Ngl, but I often forget where to find my Account Bonuses! For some reason, I tend to look either in the equipment section or somewhere branching off from my inventory lol

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