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Poisons in GW but not GW2

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In Guild Wars, poisons can be applied to weapons for a limited time before reapplying, when it comes to GW2 Player VS Environment, how come we cannot do the same.

Or at least I never found a way to apply poison to weapons in GW2

As player helps player vs Environment in difficult circumstances makes things easier, of course poisons have no effect on certain enemies like the undead as they have no vascular circulation.

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GW2 does have poison, it's a condition caused by many different things, especially weapon skills: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Poisoned

It's not that different to how poison works in GW1 where the ability to poison an enemy is usually tied to specific skills. In your post it sounds like you're specifically referring to the ranger's Apply Poison and Poison Tip Signet skills, since those are the only skills which cause other skills to poison an enemy. The GW2 equivalent is the Refined Toxins trait. (A lot of 'passive' effects which were done via skills in GW1 are handled by traits in GW2.)

Also in both games only certain professions can use poison, which might be why you haven't encountered it in GW2. If you're playing a guardian, warrior or elementalist you won't be able to inflict poison, and if you're playing a revenant, engineer or mesmer you'll only have a few options. It's mainly used by rangers, thieves and necromancers. (In GW1 it was only rangers, assassins and necromancers who could use it.)

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There is no universal mechanic for it but the thief class has a skill like this: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spider_Venom
There's also a sigil that inflicts poison on attack after weapon swap: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Sigil_of_Doom

As a sidenote: reminds me of my Ultima Online days. I often used dagger with deadly poison in PvP. Was great against mages cause constant damage made their spells fizzle. They couldn't even cast cure spell to save themselves.

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