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Pets and quickness - more to come?


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The August 23rd update giving feline auto-attacks the benefit of quickness and finally fixing the EoD pets is great news! Will other pets be updated overtime to have their auto-attacks benefit from quickness? Without any other information to go off of I assume cats are being used as a test-drive so that any weird glitches or design consequences are isolated to just them, rather than having to deal with every single non-benefitting ranger pet at once.

Edited by Jheuloh.4109
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All depends on the PvP sub-forum. 

Any pet balancing is going to 100% be done from there again if the 'we won't balance based on golem numbers' stance from the devs holds up.  

Pet balance and skill updates have rarely if ever been about bugs (unless they were ranger favorable ones); they are always done around competitive. 

My guess for the EoD pet fix / quickness update for feline is because mechanist is so dominant in PvP right now, slightly fixing up ranger to reach that level of power creep should offend no one.    

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but the thing is, they can make changes to pve, pvp and wvw separatedly.

For example making pets dont get boons from party and instead making it so its easyer for pets to clone ranger boons, in pve and wvw that woukd be good while pvp doesnt need to worry that much about a pet stealing boons.

Pets stealthing when ranger stealths is also a must have for rangers in wvw if you realy want untamed to become a zerg melee brawler, while again in pve and pvp as people go more... well each on their own, you dont need that tipe of stealth there.

pets could get an armored buff or something in wvw too, so they dont get obliterated by area dmg in zerg fights, and for those thatll say, pets will get broken in roamer builds,... well no, ranger has its own stealths and boons on a roaming build and when roamers fight you dont use that much aoe dmg, as its small fights, so pets survive either way and will be the same for roamers, just they will be much less bothersome for zergs

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