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I'm sorry but toxicity is least of PVP problem


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On 9/1/2022 at 4:07 AM, JTGuevara.9018 said:

Ok bud, OP...listen...YOU need to cool it and relax. Remember that it's just a game.


Look...I can take the p-rhymes-with-hiss out of this stupid matchmaking system and that whole clique and gaggle of win-traders and AFKers and Anet's incompetence or willful pvp ignorance until the sun goes down. But here's the thing: at this stage of the game, structured pvp is a walking carcass. It's dead. It's got nothing in it. Certainly no competitiveness or anything even resembling simple fun. There's no point in getting so irate about it .Much less trying to actually DEFEND toxicity and hate lmao. It's one thing to be toxic in a match, it's entirely another thing to sit there and defend this behavior unironically with a straight face. Come on man...Because at that point you're no better than the AFKers...

Yes İts a game and do you know what games designed for?Fun.HOW IM not better than AFKers?Yeah Im being a dead weight on team or leeching on them right?kitten SAKE we are paying for all game but just getting  a functional open world.Every new patch absolute ignores to PVP,Raids ,New expansion absolute stab a dagger on balance.Twitch streamers inhaling a Fricking Copium tank.Yeah guys even tho we have a dead pvp, absolute forgotten raids and dungeons.Even tho A-nets cut every corner from EoD.Look guys " A free mount".İts emberassing.Im a pvp player kitten it.And this pos game absolute not worth to price.YEAH its a game made  by fun not getting frustrated to terrible balance and content.You wasting pretty precious thing for this game .TİME. 

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4 minutes ago, Carnage.6751 said:

Yes İts a game and do you know what games designed for?Fun.HOW IM not better than AFKers?Yeah Im being a dead weight on team or leeching on them right?kitten SAKE we are paying for all game but just getting  a functional open world.Every new patch absolute ignores to PVP,Raids ,New expansion absolute stab a dagger on balance.Twitch streamers inhaling a Fricking Copium tank.Yeah guys even tho we have a dead pvp, absolute forgotten raids and dungeons.Even tho A-nets cut every corner from EoD.Look guys " A free mount".İts emberassing.Im a pvp player kitten it.And this pos game absolute not worth to price.YEAH its a game made  by fun not getting frustrated to terrible balance and content.You wasting pretty precious thing for this game .TİME. 


Yes, I share your hate for the corporate shilling, the social media marketing hype, the copium overdose, the cheating and win-trading in pvp and Anet looking the way pretending nothing's wrong... but here's the thing, you can't let that hate consume you. Because then again, I reiterate, you're no better than they are. Channel that hate. Channel it towards a constructive end.

For instance, I let my wallet do the talking. I've STILL not bought EoD. Especially since the infamous "let's just say f' it on the warrior and elementalist" patch...eh..ahem sorry...the "June 2022 Balance Update". (Plus a little infamous dev 'oopsie') It's not like EoD has much of anything substantial to offer besides an open-world event artificially inflated in difficulty in an attempt to stretch out the expansion. Oh! Also fishing and turtle, I guess...

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Toxicity in Gw2 is a symptom of much larger problems. 

- Poor Matchmaking

- Broken report system

- Rampant bots/afks

- Degredation of competetive spirit due to cheating/wintrading 


Each of these things on its own has the potential to contribute to player toxicity. Poor matchmaking leads to frustration which leads players to lash out

A broken report system encourages players want to take matters into their own hands and make offenders suffer in any way possible. 

Bots and Afks tarnish a player's experience. Losing a game when you had a bot/afk on your team feels even worse than losing normally because that match was rigged against you. That lingering resentment carries on into the next game. 

Finally, cheating, hacking don't get punished, and that causes players to not respect the prestige that comes with higher ranks. Every time a plat player feeds someone might asume that they were carried or cheated their way into their rank and don't deserve it. If a match feels match manipulated due to poor matchmaking, players won't bother trying and will AFK in base or grief to get things over with faster. 


Because of that, I agree, Toxicity is the least of PvP's problems. It's a symptom of rot at the core of the PvP experience. This is not an excuse to be toxic (unless it's towards wintraders. they deserve it), but it does mean that if ANet were to attempt to address it. they should focus 90% on the root of the problem rather than on punishing individual toxic players. 



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Everybody who flips out about the eventual .500 win rates gets laughed at by any serious designer, cause lol. Like, literally every rating system like ELO/Glicko works that way. It's true for Chess, for Mobas, WoW's rated modes, and plenty of other games with rated modes. It works just fine and players do, with enough games, hit their deserved rating. You look like an uninformed goofball who's never played any other competitive game when you complain about it.

The problem with rated specifically in regards to gw2 is the population is lacking, and so you get top 10s fighting low golds/silvers because the game can't support a better distribution. You would still run into that same problem with any other rating system because it's a number problem, not a mathematical one.


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