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Deadeye Change Suggestion


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change skill 5 to shadow meld
    instead of kneeling to gain access to the special 2,3,4 skills: make those stealth abilities
new elite skill: anything honestly


main idea: shadow meld feels more important to the kit then kneeling. kneeling does not feel like it works because mobility is so important. 

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20 minutes ago, thisguy.4065 said:

change skill 5 to shadow meld
    instead of kneeling to gain access to the special 2,3,4 skills: make those stealth abilities
new elite skill: anything honestly


main idea: shadow meld feels more important to the kit then kneeling. kneeling does not feel like it works because mobility is so important. 

I think Kneeling works fine. Know when you can or can't be mobile, but it's also not a huge deal to stand up, even if it can get dicey under fire. I think Silent Scope and Shadow Meld should be changed into something that boosts Kneel stance. 

Might not help any but I usually pivot into my direction while standing up from Kneel into a Death's Retreat, then I activate Kneel in mid air so I land in the stance and am ready to go. That might make it feel like more of a fluid sequence and maybe like it takes less time to maneuver or position. 

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The kit itself doesn't necessarily need to change as is, but something I personally would like to see at least *tried* is changing kneeling into a stance that, instead of completely immobilizing you for access to better abilities, severely lowers your movement speed, while still allowing you to jump and commit other maneuvers.

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