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Old Duffer LF Casual, Friendly, Helpful, Mature PvE EU Guild


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Title says it all really.


I've been playing off and on for 8 years - Played GW1 before that. Been in a few guilds over the years as they came & went. Had a lot of fun in WvW but mainly playing Story content now - Working on getting Skyscale. 


I'm looking for a relatively small mature, friendly and helpful guild to do some group content with - happy to use whatever VOIP you use - weekends / early evenings (GMT) probably best.



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Hi @Shabooboo.5084! You may want to check out Remnants of Hope, as it sounds close to what you are looking for.

Helpful--check! This week we ran the new Battle for Lion's Arch instance publicly and privately, cleared the new Old Lion's Court strike mission, and helped people advance through the new Someone in Need achievement with strategically placed helpers in the jumping puzzles.

Friendly--check! Take a look at our forum thread for the experience of new members.

Mature--check! We have players of all ages, many of whom are in their 50s or 60s.  We have been around since 2009, and have a guild structure that works to maintain low-drama collaboration among people whose main focus is playing the game.  For that reason, we have a trial period where we get to know each other and find out if we are a good fit.

Relative small--well, that depends on your definition of small. We have enough players to do all the game content, and honestly that takes a pretty good number of players.  We generally have 30-50 players on during NA evenings, so there is always someone to run content with.

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