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Question on Breaching Strike


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Does the boon rip apply before the damage is applied? 
Given the state of boon output in the game, I feel that there’s an argument to be made that it makes sense that the boon rip applies before the damage mod qualifier is checked so that the bonus damage also applies to foes with 1 and 2 boons, since you technically removed their boons, and now they are boonless.

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27 minutes ago, oscuro.9720 said:

Does the boon rip apply before the damage is applied? 
Given the state of boon output in the game, I feel that there’s an argument to be made that it makes sense that the boon rip applies before the damage mod qualifier is checked so that the bonus damage also applies to foes with 1 and 2 boons, since you technically removed their boons, and now they are boonless.

Going to be useless in pvp and wvw otherwise.

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2 hours ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

Yeah, I think this is more of a PvE oriented change

Thinking back, I’m fairly sure that the damage triggers after the boon rip, because if you FC against breaching strike when they are running enchantment collapse, you will take the full damage of breaching and Enchantment Collapse will trigger FC to go off. So this may be a fairly decent change if it has that functionality. 
The other big question on its impact in competitive is what the damage mod will be. 50% (my personal desire but I’m biased obviously) would mean breaching fully buffed could hit up to 7k, which would be in line (slightly behind actually) with something like Guard GS3. 25% would still get you up into the 5k range more frequently and still be decent, though I feel a 50% mod would really round out dagger’s kit immediately. 

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