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A WET Desert

Sugar Min.5834

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Just Airships and Race Tracks 

1. The Water Crystal ~ Crystals are the sources of powerful magical energy. They have dominant power over natural phenomena. 

2. Airship Docking Stations ~ Thank you for choosing AirOasis. We fly the friendly desert sky.

3. Spirited (Not)  Away ~ The Elder is still watching...

Edited by Min Min.9368
added individual links ~ thank you Sean <3
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  • 5 weeks later...

Okay, I have just learnt how to edit and improve the quality of my online pictures in Flickr. I will put up more when I have the time and in the mood 😄

I just wish that more players would know how to appreciate our guild halls. IMO, GHs are not just for guild missions or harvesting nods or getting buffs and Waypoint discounts. We have different environmental themes depending on which area your GH is in. And, if you are into roleplay (not for me), our Halls can be a very good place to hang out. Otherwise, one can always afk in it, free from mobs or map chat or whisper attacks lol

1. Glided Hollows ~ Situated deep inside a huge cavern hence the dark and eerie environment

2. Lost Precipice ~ Hidden inside a canyon with day and night cycle and has caves and some stone structures with empty rooms for decorations

3. Windswept Haven ~ A desert oasis complete with a waterfall, constant soaring desert sand winds, and when fully restored, the place has some really tall and Majestic Elonian buildings. The GH even has its own mount ranch (non-interactive). Oh, and of course WH comes with a very pretty starry sky at night 💗

4. Isle of Reflection ~ A small island in the Seitung Province, the latest addition and also the prettiest. IoR hall has a lot of region exclusive flowers and trees in an oriental settings which is very Zen-like. A perfect place for relaxation.

Give our Guild Halls some love guys 🥰

Edited by MintyMin.2718
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  • 3 weeks later...

A little info on guild hall visits.

I think many players are not aware that to visit your friend's guild hall, you don't have to be in their guilds. The guild member just need to create a party or group and invite every one in and all will have access to the guild hall. The only thing to note is, that particular guild member has to be present in the hall as well . Cheers!

Edited by Min Min.9368
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Airships ascending to the desert sky... Was trying to replicate a popular game series that I accidentally came across its trailer in YouTube.

It's not HD quality., this is the best I can get for a free account >. > But I did it Yay! 😄

Edited by Min Min.9368
video removed due to meh quality, will link a better one
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First, let me say, good idea to use the windmills as propellers.  I may have to copy that.

A couple observations on the guild halls:

Gilded Hollow is my favorite because it has a wide variety of biomes that lend themselves to different decoration schemes; a dark cave for a mushroom garden, a pirate ship for a spooky atmosphere, waterfalls in the north east,  kind of lake and river system, an entry area that is nice for festival decoration and a large open upper lever that varies from jungle to desert.  The downside is that many of these areas are hard to get to (solvable by using djinn portation devices)

Lost Precipice: Another good one for decoration.  Large open area that allows large structures.  not as much variety but a nice backdrop for almost everything.

Windswept haven is decent.  It, too, has large open areas allowing a variety of decorations and structures.  You have to be careful though as it looks flat but the ground is actually rather hilly.  However, the buildings themselves are so highly decorated that it makes it difficult in some areas for player decoration to stand out.

I am not fond of the isle of reflection for decoration purposes as it is already highly decorated and because it is very hilly it is hard to get a foundation for larger decorations.  Might be nice for a fishing village over the water though.

Edited by Mattahood.9423
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On 1/11/2023 at 12:15 AM, Mattahood.9423 said:

First, let me say, good idea to use the windmills as propellers.  I may have to copy that.

A couple observations on the guild halls:

Gilded Hollow is my favorite because it has a wide variety of biomes that lend themselves to different decoration schemes; a dark cave for a mushroom garden, a pirate ship for a spooky atmosphere, waterfalls in the north east,  kind of lake and river system, an entry area that is nice for festival decoration and a large open upper lever that varies from jungle to desert.  The downside is that many of these areas are hard to get to (solvable by using djinn portation devices)

Lost Precipice: Another good one for decoration.  Large open area that allows large structures.  not as much variety but a nice backdrop for almost everything.

Windswept haven is decent.  It, too, has large open areas allowing a variety of decorations and structures.  You have to be careful though as it looks flat but the ground is actually rather hilly.  However, the buildings themselves are so highly decorated that it makes it difficult in some areas for player decoration to stand out.

I am not fond of the isle of reflection for decoration purposes as it is already highly decorated and because it is very hilly it is hard to get a foundation for larger decorations.  Might be nice for a fishing village over the water though.

IoR is glitched. After you upgraded your guild halls to Further Exploration and regardless of which hall they will open up new areas for exploration. All but Isle of Reflection. Nothing happens there 🤷‍♀️ And WH is the only GH that has no depth of water to even place your skiff 🙁 

Edited by Min Min.9368
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