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I like the class alot, but i am unsure if this is a bug or not but when you use the f1 skill that allows for each strike to add burning , when i use it with flash combo it only adds one not one for each punch so i dont know if that is normal or what was intended but anyway just let you know.Would like to see a improvement with F1 and and hitting the target i tend to struggle with getting good hits with it sometimes it wants to target a enemy that i didnt target even tho i am locked on boss, lastly would love you to consider adding new sword skills while in willbender mode so i can choose if i want to be punchy monk guardian or more like guardian Samauri,like f2 dash could be like a slide and cut and maybe new main hand skills or something.And maybe another healing skill option or buff reversal and make it 2s or something its good but hard to use in most situations were you need healing and whirling kick dose less burning and weakness duration then  if  i take avengers shield with the spirit weapon trait so maybe a little buff on that skill?Hope this sparks the interest in willbender class it has lots of potentional. good day to all see you around.

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WB virtues will only proc their effects only when the virtue is activated.

  • Activating F1 > F1 goes on CD > you will proc burning every 5th attack for a very short duration - or every 3rd attack if Permeating Wrath trait is selected.

Unfortunately it does not cast burning on every hit. The only trait that can do that is Searing Pact, when ever some one stays inside the flames.

If you're thinking to yourself, "wow this is a garbage way to deal condi damage", that's because it is. WB (sPvP) is really bad for dishing out condi-anything. Right now WB is best useful as full glass dps. That said I don't play PvE so i don't have any stats...

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condi WB is pretty good in pve. I think it is probably parsing between 36-38k with the recent buffs. Extremely bursty for a condi build. Power not so much.

In pvp it is reversed. Though I would recommend against guardian in pvp, and against pvp in general in its current stat.



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f2 ability is unmanageable and 99% suicidal in most cases as it will launch you off everything.

it has no target adherance whatsoever.

f3 is similar, but if you keep your mouse locked on the hotkey itself it is manageable. f2 is just plain avoidance unlesss you are fighting in the great plains.

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I do fine damage with a power build for pve content atleast which is all i play, my main issues with it so far have been self healing and power using the new physical skills  like flash combo really needs a buff imo, at least for now the other daze or inflict conditions but still core skills offer more power over them in general unless you kit it out with sigils and stuff to buff the damage like take sigil of impact and the one that increases stun duration works nice, not for sleepy play tho lol. Gotta be quick.Other than that yeah f1 f2 skills are hard to target enemies with and largely depends on map and mobs you end up all over the place and nothing getting hit by flames maybe a little too much momentum in this spec lol. I have had some fights that felt great though and lived up to the specs protentional i'm  not the best player and its a fresh spec so tuning is excepted still want more dual sword action though and some nice  special effects to fit the flavour would be a dream f2 feels too stiff and a sword strike on passing enemy would be cool and f1 flames not sure how i feel about the 3 spread out flames its okay just not great and they kinda just hit mostly behind an enemy tbh. Flash combo though is great tool for mixing things up but just lacks in any kind of impact.overall just feels a little vanilla atm compared to others from EOD.

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Scepter or hammer immobilize skills into daze kicks heavens plam into whirling kicks and dual sword stikes shuts down some enemys nicely in pve and is a lot of fun versus one on one with a vet and and ontop f1 finishers or openers for burning and you can work in power signet is pretty fun for me right now. Dont want to seem all doom and gloom about guardians atm they are still fun to play just need some  love. 


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