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Completely Overpowered Ranger Skill #1 - Indomitable Bond


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Notice: This skill is not meant to be taken seriously, nor am I suggesting that it be implemented into the game.

I enjoy creating theoretical skills and posting them here for everyone to enjoy reading.

Singular skills that I post in a specific Profession category are typically more overpowered than my other overpowered skills, highly sophisticated, and very descriptive.

This skill is an updated version of a skill from one of my previous skill lists.

Please read carefully and enjoy!


Idea for an Elite Ranger Skill: Indomitable Bond 


You and your pet gain the Bonded effect, amplifying your existing abilities and granting new ones.

[Activation time: Instant] [Breaks Stun] [Bonded (100 seconds, no effect unless you are wielding a Bow weapon. You cannot swap pets or weapons while under the effects of Bonded.)] [Recharge time: 300 seconds.]


You move 100% faster and your pet now moves via Shadowstep.

All projectiles fired by you have  +500% range, +500% velocity, deal +500% damage, pass through any and all obstacles and cannot be evaded or blocked.

You have 75% damage resistance and cannot miss.


Your pet is now 500% larger, has 250% more health, deals 1000% more strike damage, and inflicts 10 seconds of Dazed and 100 stacks of Torment per attack.

You cannot be downed while your pet is Undefeated.


If your pet is Defeated, you enter Rage Mode. Your eyes burn a visually bright color of your predetermined choosing during this effect(the default color is red).

During Rage Mode, your size is increased by 50%, you instantly replenish 100% of your health, your damage resistance is increased to 90%, your attack skills have no recharge time, and you immediately Shadowstep to the perpetrating foe, Launching them. (Shadowstep range: 10,000. Launch range: 1500. Launch Ignores Stability. Launch stun time: 5s. Launch cannot be stun broken.)

Against this foe, you deal +10,000% damage, have +10,000 Precision and Ferocity, attack 250% faster, fire 1000 projectiles per attack, and your projectiles are 500% larger.


The perpetrating foe is Pulled to you if they exceed a range of over 1000 units from you; this Pull has no recharge, ignores Stability, lasts 5 seconds, and cannot be stun broken.

During Rage Mode, you can only target the perpetrating foe, and you can only receive damage from the perpetrating foe.


If your health drops below 50% while under the effects of Rage Mode gain Recalled Purpose, and Unyielding for 30 seconds.

[Recalled Purpose (Rage Mode Passive Effect) (Single Use - Cannot be activated again until Indomitable Bond is recast.) - Replenish 100% of your health and break stuns. Your damage resistance is increased to 95%. You deal 100% more damage and move 250% faster. Gain all boons at their maximum stacks for 30 seconds.]

[Unyielding (30s) - You block the next 30 attacks and your boons cannot be removed.]


If you are downed while in Rage Mode, your pet is revived at full health, gains 30 seconds of Stability, Resistance and Unyielding and, on your command, uses Undying Loyalty on the perpetrating foe.

[Undying Loyalty (Beast Skill)  -  Deals 100,000 invariable damage to target foe. Cannot be interrupted or blocked. Ignores invulnerability effects. Revives your owner if this attack defeats a foe.] [Activation time: 1/2s(half of one second)] [Range: 5000] [Recharge Time: 10s]

If the perpetrating foe is still alive (not downed or defeated) after your pet has used Undying Loyalty on them, you are instantly Defeated.

Rage Mode lasts until the perpetrating foe is Defeated or disconnects.

If the perpetrating foe is Defeated or disconnects during Rage Mode, you and your pet are revived.

Rage Mode ends if you are Defeated.


Additional notes:

Indomitable Bond can only be cast while wielding a Bow-type weapon.

The perpetrating foe is the foe that directly caused your pet's defeat, either by any form of direct damage, or condition damage. If no foe is the cause of your pet's defeat, you will not enter rage mode.

Invariable healing and invariable damage are irrespective numbers that cannot be altered; it will always be the stated amount, regardless of target or situation. Invariable healing and invariable damage cannot be redirected from their intended targets.

The effects of Bonded on you are fully and permanently in effect while Rage Mode is active.

There is a hidden stat that, while under the effects of Rage Mode, your projectiles and damage cannot, by any means, be reflected back to you.

There is a hidden stat that, while under the effects of Rage Mode, your Finishers activate instantly.

The damage increase from Recalled Purpose affects all forms of damage dealt by you, and has a hidden stat of increasing the effects of other damage-increasing effects on you by 100%.

Undying Loyalty replaces Lick Wounds while Rage Mode is active.

Although Undying Loyalty does have a cooldown, it is available to be used immediately when downed.

Undying Loyalty ignores most forms of damage mitigation and invulnerability, including but not limited to Protection, Renewed Focus, Distortion, and Enduring Pain.

Undying Loyalty can be evaded by any means.

Indomitable Bond cannot be used while Rage Mode is active.

Indomitable Bond's recharge progress is paused while Rage Mode is active.


This post may be edited by me in the future.

Thank you for reading.


Edited by ultwill.8072
Small edits. Some changes / additions. Added relevant links.
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  • Mikasa.5217 changed the title to Completely Overpowered Ranger Skill #1 - Indomitable Bond

I know that just you having a bit of fun and I won't judge. 

But I always find is funny when completely useless stats are put in these. 

Like +10000 precision. 

Thats 476% extra crit chance. 

Or + 250% movement speed when +100 % already hit the movement speed cap. 

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4 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

I know that just you having a bit of fun and I won't judge. 

But I always find is funny when completely useless stats are put in these. 

Like +10000 precision. 

Thats 476% extra crit chance. 

Or + 250% movement speed when +100 % already hit the movement speed cap. 

Lol that is funny, I guess you don't really need all that crit chance, buuut this skill may ignore the speed cap 😄

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