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Tokens of Valor (i am going to call it that for now) given to players - click to read more


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tokens as a kind of "currency", only you don't buy stuffs with it, you buy fame for your favourite guild/server/team  by spending it in voting activity at the end of the what ever it is called (server linked time period of 8 weeks)

this tokens lets the players vote their favourite server/team/guild. 

tokens are given to players for their individual contribution to the wvw activities. 

Tagging up

walking the yak, 

flipping camps

killing enemies

killing npcs/sentries 

longest time holding an objective on own turf/enemy turf

shortest time flipping a camp/players 

most camp flip as a single players 



lots of category to reward us poor WvW players with tokens which 


at the end of the 8 weeks  we get the best 3 of 

servers, guilds, pvp players, yak slappers, most sentry killed/land cap, camps flip winners ... 



which is voted by players themselves with the tokens they earn.  

The amount of tokens that an  individual earn and spent by voting gets a prize in tier, ie: 100 token - chest A - 200 tokens chest B , so on and so forth.


Last but not least - tokens, if possible, for more engaging fun, can be use to down vote your enemy as well, so that you need to think wisely before casting it.


Just an idea for anet to think about and give us more loots. 

thank you.


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