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Elementalist QoLs


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On 2/12/2023 at 2:30 PM, Kodama.6453 said:

I am not opposed to elementals being permanent, I am just pointing out that if they make them permanent, then they have to put a limit on how many you can summon with the glyph. Otherwise we end up with elementalist running around with 30 elementals with enough preparation time, lol. Imagine a dragon's end run, which has quite alot of preparations time, and elementalists are flooding the platform with their elemental armies.

If they become permanent, they should probably limit the glyph to just be able to summon 3 elementals at once and that's it.

I talked about the elite elemental summon , ofc letting your tiny elementals permanently alive would end up with ele having a swarm of fire little devils.

The problem is like a friend tryed , he had to summon all his lesser elementals , then  someone accidently started the boss while 2 ppl were not in the raid , wee gg'ed , ... he had to re-summon them , was so bored he switched virtuoso ... so he can summon swords with no action required .

first of all , mounting should NOT kill those , that only would be great . Imagine re summon all your minions as necro or having your mech killed full cooldown engage when you mount up , really not funny.

Edited by zeyeti.8347
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4 hours ago, Serephen.3420 said:

And there you have the balancer. Unreliable damage.

Well not really. The avg elemental deals like 800 dps each, but in reality will fluctuate anywhere between 600 and 1k dps evening out to ~800 the longer you go on. Trying to fully optimize a build and showcasing the damage output kinda requires the dps to be consistent enough to showcase its damage. If they would include lesser fire ele's in the benchmarks it will only blurr the exact dps you can expect in a (near) perfect rotation. They already sit for hours on the Golem to slot in an extra 100-200 dps, there's no need to sit for another 10 hrs at the Golem just to wait for the perfect lesser fire ele rng. 


Roul states in his Weaver benchmark that the dps output with lesser fire ele's is ~42.1k atm and the condi weaver guide on Snowcrows specifically mentions to use lesser fire ele's in actual encounters. The skill causes some trouble on Golem benchmarking, but that doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't consistently overperform in PvE right now. 

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