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  1. chrono use torch because it's the only off hand condi weapon with pistol based (which is even more power oriented than condi , skill 4 doing great p. damage and skill 5 very underwhelming condi dmg) torch is the only full condi based off hand mesmer has (and it is weak), it also has weird condi to apply (burn and confusion) who are not favored condition , burn being a good condition but too weak in numbers for mesmer to invest into it (in condi duration) and we all know confusion is dog*** damage since nerf. since there is virtuoso and don't see any good reason (stealth only...) to use torch.
  2. Yep , but i think my idea to mix the trait who gives ++ bd on sphere and the quickness provider is gonna make one trait so bloated it could end up being op , your idea to just improve quickness duration make more sense , after all giving quickness is your main task as quickdps , and you still got lots of boon to help your support with boon uptime , good might generation , fury , prot., etc. saw someone also speaking off changing some underdog traits like : -Energized Elements : as there is no more energy this trait would be useless , change it to your sphere are now launched on yourself and follow you for the duration as moving combo fields. (like berserker torch 5) - Evasive Empowerment : underwhelming trait ... the idea was to make a catalyst healer option with an effect on each sphere launch to allys inside it (even before the 1st pulse)(and maybe add another weaker effect on each pulse) : condi cleanse for fire , healing for water , superspeed for air and barrier for earth . Not a bad idea since without energy the idea of a catalyst heal would make more sense. Didn't remind the name of the guy who had those ideas , but they are definitly good ones.
  3. that has been asked ... i've lost the count , the energy mechanic would be fine if there wasn't this freaking 5 secs of "no energy allowed" after a sphere launch , but it would also be useless , so yeah get rid of that energy , but for the cooldown i would preffered a reverse idea of your own , put a cooldown of 3 secs on all other sphere while you launched one , so people would attune launch a sphere immediately and use it for combos in the resoective attunement , instead of attune , wait (kind of tempest feeling right there) and use the sphere then switch attunement. This would also prevent opening with 4 spheres giving tremendous amount of boons in few secondes , would be op i guess. And the elite elemental celerity should also recharge the sphere of your actual attunement , it's a catalyst elite skill but has nothing to do with spheres , a bit out of touch to me. For the quickness version it would need to combine Spectacular Sphere and Sphere Specialist , cause no one wants to remove two offensiv traitline to be transformed from calssic deeps to support , it's a -10% dmg and -10% all attribute , too big of a loss.
  4. Only skill who is not ranged is gs 5 , the rest is 1200 range , and the shatters make your clones go on the target and explode (only distorsion make them dissapear immediately) you just loose the damage from yourself acting like a clone for shatters. As many ppl said , neither i see any improvement , you just shuffle skill order for what ? mess up with muscle memory ? try it out on a power virtuoso and see how hard your phantasmal berserker hit , for skill 5 having yet another blink on a mesmer would make it an absolute nightmare in wvw and pvp and you just take down a good cc skill for another port in pve while we still have blink . If there is one weapon who need a complete overhaul for mesmer it's torch , and maybe pistol a bit (fine to me as it is now) , but torch is used for what ? some stealth in pvp and wvw , and that's all , the skills are old and the fact that none condi based weapons are used as condi weapon (on virtuoso) shows the lackluster skills for this weapon. it's focuesd on burn and confusion , burn is not a mesmer favored condi (nothing to improve the duration) and confusion... let's be real , is nerfed to the ground and deal even less base dmg than bleed... But Gs doesn't need a rework , it's strong and the fact a greatsword who is supposed to be melee is actualy long ranged 1200 is weird but really funny.
  5. hello, If you play a lot solo and like to wander around safely i would say mirage is a best pick with his survivability , self boon etc , but as you seem to know mirage i don't need to elaborate on it. For virtuoso it's a much simplier version of all mesmer builds , not relying on clones but on ammo for your "shatters" to deal more damage , good thing about it is that when your target is down you don't loose those ammo (not like clones) and even out of combat they restack fast enough for you to have some for your next target , the way you win ammo is teh same way you win clones , so if a traitline says : "gain one clone if..." , you will win an ammo up to 5 max , but virtuoso has many more ways to win ammo than other mesmer specs trough his own traitline. You can either play it as power or condi , power is pretty simple and tend to use dagger/sword and greatsword ,(but you can use any other power weapon that suits you , the difference in dps is not hige) and it is pretty simple to build (full zerk with some assassins pieces) virtuoso has also a bigger crit chance easily than any other mesmer spec , fury gives you +40% crit. chance instead of 25% and it's a base traitline Condi is a weird one where you need to look deep into traitlines cause the weapon used for it are dagger/sword and dagger/focus , two weapons who are normally power as none of them inflict condition directly , but virtuoso crit always proc bleed when use "sword tag skill" sword skill are all your dagger skill , and focus + sword are there to maximize the use on the trait : your phantasm apply bleed on crit . Normally your phantasm have same crit chance as you but they all benefit from fury enhanced trait so they have all 100% crit chance if stuffed correctly. If you want to eb sure a skill ahs the sword tag , you can hover on the skill tooltip and it is normally written. that's why the condi build on virtuoso is weird to make because instead of running full viper (like most condi build) you play with a mix of sinister and rampager to max out the crit chance. For the gameplay it's way more spammy than a mirage as your shatters recharge really fast and your ammo reload really fast , the shatters are most oriented trough damage , but you still got some utility , the more ammo you have the more your shatters will be efficient , just like clones. f1 do power damage (and bleed if correct traitline selected , al shatters do that)) f2 is more condi oriented f3 is a big cc who deal up to 250 breakbar dmg if used at full ammo , f4 is your basic distorsion (like all mesmer spec have) f5 is an aoe spin around you dealing decent damage but need to be close range to deal damage. If you want open world solo build condi virtuoso is strong as you have life steal 3% with bleed (who is main source of damage for virtuoso thus you play with krait runes +50% bleed duration) and power pretty much blast everything who is not elite away. I would say it lack selfboon and the trait who are defensive kind of are lackluster as you need to dodge perefctly to have them active. but for endgame content virtuoso is one of the safest pick , it has long range can use some utilities skill , like blink portal or more cc with a minor dps loss. I may have missed some steps , if you have further questions feel free to ask. I am no master of virtuoso but i think i know well enough how this spec works.
  6. same happened to me and i was in a precog pit used at the right timing 1 secs before mind crush hit... , i guess it's evil saul who did this.
  7. Let's just say elevated compassion is too good , the free Bd , some healing , and perma quick/vigor without need of any BD is awfully usefull. The reason the others are not played much is because there is far better deeps than herald and nobody needs some fury and might in group content because it's already covered , even in open world having quickness all the time feel very confortable , choosing between having +25%/28% dmg or perma "action goes 50% faster" is a no brainer , and you give this to your allys too... Herald is designed as the most easiest long range , no brain quickness provider with this staggering 600 range and little action required , sure it isn't a catalyst design 😁.
  8. oh c'mon we finally got a non piano crazy keyboard demolishing rotation for elementalist , it's finally going out of the shadows in pve , it's slightly performing better than the 45k roof bench (46k...) and it has some support integrated in it while still sucking at cc , ... anet said they gonna look at the playrate ... so they did ! now they need to continue that way and look into e-specs who are literally left over , like mirage , Dh , willbender , weaver , catalyst , bladesworn etc etc... no need to boost the damage , but some Qol should be appreciated. And if nerf need to happen to the new FA tempest , they should only lower the dmg ratio off air overload a bit , to make it just at 45k , if that is the real intention. That's exactly what i expect to see , + transcendent tempest nerf from 25% to +15% dmg ... hell no plz , it's air overload who is slightly too powerfull , and by slightly , i mean slightly ... dimibshing the ratio from 0,951 to somewhat 0,900 or a bit below should do enough.
  9. Yep i learned that the hard way 😢
  10. the minions can work pretty effectively in some endgame encounters were damage is focused on condition , i remember using the condition transfer to minions who give them to enemies in the new fractal were the boss vomit condition at your face and it ended up being very defensive and super offensive , but you need to be hit for it to be effective , quite a bit non intuitive but it was fun to see a build who is literally called useless in endgame content being good in very specific situation.
  11. Look at all shield skills from the game , either self defense or support , and as said ele support has already warhorn which i can hardly see being replaced , and for def. you think ele is not already overload with self def skills .... celestial ele in any way you play is almost unkillable in open world. And ooohhh look at all the skills your imagination made , self def and support , curious no ? btw i am just giving my opinion and why i think shield would be an horrible choice of a new weapon , my mentality has nothing to do with that , so keep your own rotten misconception to yourself.
  12. Did you all tryed the new FA tempest ? the beast bench press 46k with a not hard rotation and is very tanky (u have +300 vit from water traitline) you give your allies 100% fury uptime , some prot. , and a good chunk of might , and the rotation is very fluid and fun , u even heal your allies cause you go water 0,5 secs to proc FA tus giving healing ripple and the passiv healing from water. But it's gonna be nerfed soon i guess , an easy ele build with survivability , sharing boons and meta damage with a non piano rotation ... not gonna last long. Didn't know the fulgor couldn't crit ... that freaking stupid , no crit damage on a weapon skill aimed to be power is useless , are you sure of that ? the tooltip on wiki says nothing about non critical ?
  13. All shield skills are mostly designed towards support or self def. , ele has already a offhand amazing support weapon known as warhorn (who franckly is sick as support and even as damage) and self def weapons are not very appreciated if they don't bring something to the group (could be like mesmer shield , but again we have warhorn) Think you will meet more rifle or bow enjoyers for ele next , or maybe not as we have spear soon as ranged , but shield would be a dissapointement for ele , because that means only 8 new skills as a main hand or a two hand change more your playstyle , especially for weaver who will not have a lot of benefits from an offhand as he melt his skills 3 with "double" attunement. I franckly hope a mainhand for support (like scepter for revenant) cause tempest would greatly benefit a second support weapon to pair with warhorn (axe as support ? why not ? we have rifle support for mesmer though)
  14. Level sclaing is kind of weird , you have some classes who have flat +x% crit. chance (those stats are not scalled) who completely unscal the dungeons , like necro or revenant with correct stuff can clearly have a decent crit. chance , who was obvioulsy not doable when game started , not to mention elite spec + 3 traitlines instead of 1 or 2 who completely mess up with the hp of mobs there. But was a nice sentiment of nostalgia , especially ascalon path 2 or 3 (didn't remind) where you have to teamwork to grab limon mobs with a ghost buster rifle , one lifting it up and one dragging it to a trap , but yeah i personnaly like to rush them , cause 90% of dungeon content is boring and rewards are not interesting at all.
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