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Some thoughts after 2 month of playing.


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GW2 is a great game, i have so much fun and there is so much to do, it will keep me busy for a while.

Since i am an old fart with a reaction like an snail, i did choose an scourge with minions. But there are some little things which annoy me to no end. I know why they happen, i just dont like that they do.


First of all, after trying an mechanist, i really would like an pet passive/pet attack button. That the pets just agro random mobs and keep you in combat until you did run away far enough is pretty annoying. You cant even despawn the pets (which would trigger the cooldown anyway).  This sucks even more if you are in an group and want to move from one spot to the next (metas). On certain fights you even dont want the pets to attack at some points - you just cant control it. 

Next thing is, that there are several situations, like some bossifghts, where you get transformed in something and your pets despawn, trigger the cooldown and you are without pets for a while. I hate this even more, if there are scripted events, where you event cant avoid this. This do not happens with the mechanist pet and i dont really find that "fair".

Last thing is, that i did an charr, and this fat fart blocks my view on alot things like at several jumping puzzles - so i did look if i could racechange (my mechanist is an asura) to an asura, just because he's so much smaller, what did feel WAY better to me. But there is no way. You could argue, thats because of the personal story, but in my opinion you should just say - if you completed the personal story on the "first" race, you have completed it at the changed one. And tbh, i dont really want to invest the 600+ hours into a new char, just for an different race (completed every map, and dont really want to do that again, before i am out of things to do with my scourge ;-)..)


Anyway, that just my opinions. I know, minions arent the best choice dps wise, but i just do open world content so far, it dont really matter. In an group setting i would change my spec to something which dont cripple me that much (and i dont really like blood is power - i tested it on an training dummy for a while and managed to kill myself with it... several times... jup.. i am stupid...).

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Not having a race change is probably devs not having the manpower to implement it.

It can be done in several ways: complete reset of main story or keep the choises you made by following the (up, mid, down) pattern.

Necro doesn't really have "pets", they have "minions", they work a bit differently, weaker, die more often, and completely uncontrollable, which is quite ironic, since necro is known for controll over the dead.

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Necro doesn't really have "pets", they have "minions", they work a bit differently, weaker, die more often, and completely uncontrollable, which is quite ironic, since necro is known for controll over the dead.


Yeah, I know. The minion thing, instead of pets, just has some weaknesses and is pretty annoying. I'm not sure - I haven't been playing long enough to form an informed opinion - if it would be "overpowered" if the minions were turned into real - controllable - pets.

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10 hours ago, Tubben.8561 said:

Yeah, I know. The minion thing, instead of pets, just has some weaknesses and is pretty annoying. I'm not sure - I haven't been playing long enough to form an informed opinion - if it would be "overpowered" if the minions were turned into real - controllable - pets.

Yea about that.... there was a bug back then that let Reaper's minions last way way way longer than it was supposed to, through healing them. It ended up in something like a march of rats running around devouring everything and everyone's frame rate. 

Though that would be ABSOLUTELY AWESOME as Necromancer's aesthetic and gamestyle, it wouldn't be very fun for everyone else and that's why we have our Minionmancer builds as it is right now. 

Here's a video of said "Death march" if you would call it that. Good times. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3OiqhB5Y8g

Edited by Yasai.3549
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15 hours ago, Tubben.8561 said:

GW2 is a great game, i have so much fun and there is so much to do, it will keep me busy for a while.

Since i am an old fart with a reaction like an snail, i did choose an scourge with minions. But there are some little things which annoy me to no end. I know why they happen, i just dont like that they do.


First of all, after trying an mechanist, i really would like an pet passive/pet attack button. That the pets just agro random mobs and keep you in combat until you did run away far enough is pretty annoying. You cant even despawn the pets (which would trigger the cooldown anyway).  This sucks even more if you are in an group and want to move from one spot to the next (metas). On certain fights you even dont want the pets to attack at some points - you just cant control it. 

Next thing is, that there are several situations, like some bossifghts, where you get transformed in something and your pets despawn, trigger the cooldown and you are without pets for a while. I hate this even more, if there are scripted events, where you event cant avoid this. This do not happens with the mechanist pet and i dont really find that "fair".


It's good feedback, but here is the bad news - we've been giving that exact feedback for over a literal decade now, and nothing changed.

Side note, iirc the Mech gets despawned by at least most of those phasing and transform mechanics as well - as Profession Mechanic, rather than a slotted skill, it's just immediately resummoned after. 

The minions basically get taken off your Utility bar by the transform, and then back on again, which despawns them and put's the slots on their full Cooldown.



Anyway, that just my opinions. I know, minions arent the best choice dps wise

That's putting it lightly. 

But yes, passive Minions is just not something Anet ever wanted to support. Why they made them then is beyond me, I guess just a Theme checklist - and for Necro, theme unfortunately always trumped well designed and useful mechanics (which is ironic considering how much, especially actually useful, theme and flavour the Profession lost from GW1).

So they essentially made them so utterly weak and inconvenient that they might as well not exist. 

They are essentially the Necro specific equivalent to the racial skills. 


Beyond a potential future Minion focused Elite Spec and having to put the work in to support that, I doubt they will ever see an overhaul/rework though.

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