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WvW Rewards


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A few idea on how Anet can change the reward system:

1. When in WvW map, everyone will gain a trait that when every you give boon, heal, condi clean an ally,  it will make a pulse use that ally as center and a radius scales base on your concentration and healing power. The pulse deal no damage but will mark 10 target and you will get credits when they are killed.  The trait should have a ICD of 2 or 3 sec, or target of 5, to make sure that player is actively supporting. This is aim to help support get their loot bags, and dps can maybe put their skill in where is needed, not trying to touch everything.

2. People need a reason to win, the current set up you get nothing when you win.  My idea is that we have 4 tier so far, remove the current linking server idea.  make each tier fight in the skill level that is same as them. First place within the tier will move up, and last place will move down. At the end of each week, you will get a tier reward base on the tier your server is in.  T1 will get more. Every 8 weeks, there will be a tier swap, meaning the good team moving up, and bad team moving down. everyone that fight in WVW will get a special title if their team is the first place, different title for each tier.  The title can only be valid for 8 week before the next swap.  And maybe also a special back item that is only valid for 8 weeks. In T1 wining server, the guild leader of the guild whom contribute the most point will get a statue in LA with their favor character.  The most contribute guild of the winning team of each tier will get something extra.  I know that Anet is trying to do that guild alliance stuff, but I feel that it is only targeting the population of each server, but still didn't give any reason to fight for that first place. 


3. Increase the Skirmish Tick of the losing team to same level as the winning team, so you don't get punished so hard when your team is bad. 

Edited by DobyCool.3701
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4 minutes ago, blp.3489 said:

Last week people on my server were cursing anyone who captured any objectives because winning meant moving up to T1 and facing MAG.  It seems to me that there is something horribly wrong when winning is a bad thing.

In current reward system, winning means nothing, therefore people rather go facing an easy match up than challenge the first sit. If Anet can give that first sit some glory and reword, I am sure that people will group up and take MAG down.

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25 minutes ago, DobyCool.3701 said:

make each tier fight in the skill level that is same as them.

Hello, welcome to wvw.

How are you even going to accomplish the above? when there's no ratings at all to determine a players skill level within a server pool of players.

WvW is about numbers, piling more and more numbers to win, that's not skill based, that's stacking. We already went through this the first 5 years of wvw. All your statue in LA is going promote is guilds running 50 squad boon ball over everything to get the most kills for the week to get their Rocky moment that in the end no one will care about. I don't even visit LA much, certainly not going there every 8 weeks to visit someone's statue. 🥴

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5 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Hello, welcome to wvw.

How are you even going to accomplish the above? when there's no ratings at all to determine a players skill level within a server pool of players.

WvW is about numbers, piling more and more numbers to win, that's not skill based, that's stacking. We already went through this the first 5 years of wvw. All your statue in LA is going promote is guilds running 50 squad boon ball over everything to get the most kills for the week to get their Rocky moment that in the end no one will care about. I don't even visit LA much, certainly not going there every 8 weeks to visit someone's statue. 🥴

When you go into a always losing server, you will see that they have no tag, only smaller group of people running around taking all the camps, bc they don't even have the power to take tower. When their ally is fighting, they go right pass it to go the the next camp. That is the level that I am talking about.  Put those server together, and they can do what ever they want in their fight.  Put the more organize server together so they can have a positive WvW experience.  
For guilds running the 50 squad, the opponent is doing the same, then they will need to fight for the first sit. For people who don't like big number fight and glory of winning, can be better of stay in lower tier.

The statue in LA is more a symbolic reason.  When the statue stands there, then it is meaningful.  No body cares if you wanna go visit it or not.  They guild who won will go there and take picture and advertised for them self. 

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2 minutes ago, DobyCool.3701 said:

When you go into a always losing server, you will see that they have no tag, only smaller group of people running around taking all the camps, bc they don't even have the power to take tower. When their ally is fighting, they go right pass it to go the the next camp. That is the level that I am talking about.  Put those server together, and they can do what ever they want in their fight.  Put the more organize server together so they can have a positive WvW experience.  
For guilds running the 50 squad, the opponent is doing the same, then they will need to fight for the first sit. For people who don't like big number fight and glory of winning, can be better of stay in lower tier.

That still has nothing to do with skill. That's simply population stacking. 🤷‍♂️


2 minutes ago, DobyCool.3701 said:

The statue in LA is more a symbolic reason.  When the statue stands there, then it is meaningful.  No body cares if you wanna go visit it or not.  They guild who won will go there and take picture and advertised for them self. 

Ok let me put it to you this way, I don't want scare development resources wasted on some ego trip for a small group of players.

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7 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

That still has nothing to do with skill. That's simply population stacking. 🤷‍♂️


Ok let me put it to you this way, I don't want scare development resources wasted on some ego trip for a small group of players.

Let's think of it this way, if increase the rewards same for everyone, what is the point of winning, when there is no point of winning in a "competitive game mod" do you think that this game mod is in a healthy state?  A symbolic reason for winning will not be too unfair for those who can't join the top guild, but will give a I will say ppl a reason to fight for the first sit.  I will not said that it is only for a small group of player, yup, only a small group of them can get the glory, but behind that many many guild fight over it.  Ideally the whole T1 should be fight over it. 

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58 minutes ago, DobyCool.3701 said:

In current reward system, winning means nothing, therefore people rather go facing an easy match up than challenge the first sit. If Anet can give that first sit some glory and reword, I am sure that people will group up and take MAG down.

Then wouldn't it make sense to award a bonus pip per period for the Tier 1 servers?  Or two for Tier 1 and 1 for tier 2 or something along those lines?

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4 minutes ago, blp.3489 said:

Then wouldn't it make sense to award a bonus pip per period for the Tier 1 servers?  Or two for Tier 1 and 1 for tier 2 or something along those lines?

Well, reward can be adjusted based on the data collected, just don't want lower tier player to feel that they are losing a lot when not in high tier server. If more people thing it is ok, then just do it.

Edited by DobyCool.3701
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The game mode has never been "competitive". Not when population and coverage determine your wins from day one. Not your individual contributions, not your skill, but stacking numbers over your enemy. The only drop of competition comes at reset night when every map is queued out so every side has near equal numbers for about 2 hours, and the organization and skill of the players in that time determine the outcomes. And the gvg some guilds do in some corner of wvw that has absolutely nothing to do with winning wvw.

Also T1 NA is currently a massive joke, not even ruled by a guild, but by roamers that have put the "fear of playing" so hard into their opponents they get to spawn camp an entire map with ease.

Nothing in wvw is in a healthy state, not population, not rewards, not class balance, not skill balance, hasn't been for a very long time, if ever. Rewarding people for bandwagon stacking shouldn't be a thing again, that has been the most unhealthy unbalanced thing about wvw since day one.

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7 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

The game mode has never been "competitive". Not when population and coverage determine your wins from day one. Not your individual contributions, not your skill, but stacking numbers over your enemy. The only drop of competition comes at reset night when every map is queued out so every side has near equal numbers for about 2 hours, and the organization and skill of the players in that time determine the outcomes. And the gvg some guilds do in some corner of wvw that has absolutely nothing to do with winning wvw.

Also T1 NA is currently a massive joke, not even ruled by a guild, but by roamers that have put the "fear of playing" so hard into their opponents they get to spawn camp an entire map with ease.

Nothing in wvw is in a healthy state, not population, not rewards, not class balance, not skill balance, hasn't been for a very long time, if ever. Rewarding people for bandwagon stacking shouldn't be a thing again, that has been the most unhealthy unbalanced thing about wvw since day one.

I have seem a 35+ group slash through a larger group, the organization and role do play a big impact in fact.  Although population is a big factor, and that is why the system is design, to put max population into each side if they are thinking of winning. To expand that optimal 2 hour that you mentioned longer. To give the game mod the competitive that it should have, try to bring the unhealthy back to healthy.  and 50 squad is not always the answer, maybe a team can hold your 50 with only 40, they don't have to win, just hold you, and the 10 extra can go some where else on the map.  strat will always change base on the opponent reaction.  guilds will have to work together to accomplish.  If kill reward to much score, Anet can even reduced the score and give more item drop as the make up.  if Objective reward too much, we can do the same.  There is no perfect system, but surly we can find some balance of it.

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