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Changes to Engi next xpac.


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- Rearrangement of the traits, so skill-type enhancements are all stacked in dedicated traitlines.
- Bombkit could use a rework or at least a few tweaks. I would like to see Elixir-Infused Bombs back.
- Turrets would be nice, but I doubt they would dare to touch them.
- Medkit on Mechanist should be taken care of, as you are currently left with no decent self-heal option.
- Kinetic Battery is one of the more annoying traits. When it is used in the meta, people pick low cd skills to charge it up quickly. Wasting a useful toolbelt skill to speed up this trait is counterintuitive.
- Weaponswap as every other class. We have only a few options anyway, it should not have a real impact.
- Pistol auto-attack finally getting the explosion-type. A man can dream.
- Explosive Temper could use a modification. People pick AAR, due to its higher damage-output. +200 Ferocity is not considered a viable option :S.
- Sanguine Array needs to be adjusted, longer might duration. 4 seconds are a joke.
- Streamlined Kits seems to be a little outdated. It is not bad, but a little clunky to use. I wish it would enhance all kits while in use.
- Cooldown of Throw Elixir R is a bit long. Even if you play support AND use Tools, it is way too long to be useful.

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On 5/3/2023 at 11:18 AM, AlPower.2476 said:

Conditions convertions to boons got nerfed

Purity of purpose got absolutely gutted, an icd and laughably short durations making it completely worthless, the best way to fix it would have been make the changes only apply to allies, that way it wouldn't be abusive in zergs but it would still work for solo players.

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