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[NA] [PvX] The Meow House [CAT] wants you!!! Yes, you! Casual/New/Veteran ADULT players all wanted!


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Good evening, I am looking for a casual guild to join that doesn't have problems with me being extremely casual as I work nights 6 days a week and tend to log in during the early afternoon hours.   I am a returning player and have been playing very causally off and on since the games release.  Would I be allowed to join?

Thank you,

Khazore Soulreaver (Blackreaver)

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Hi, I'm interested in joining your guild. I've been playing GW2 for 3 months now and feel like it'd be more fun to play if I had people to go on adventures with. I had a lot of negative experiences with WoW when I played back in 08/09 so this is my first MMORPG I've played since then. I'm a very casual player and not level 80 yet, but I'm taking things slow and learning as I go. I would love the chance to meet new people and help out with quests!

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Hello - I'm new to GW2 and looking for a social guild.  I'm a work from home mom, and my playtime can be limited but I'm usually on for an hour after I get my kiddo to bed and whenever I get some bonus free time.  Looking to meet other players, as I've been solo levelling.

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Hi! I'm married with kids, so I may not be able to make every event, and i'm fairly newish (i've got everything including SoTo and made the mistake of trying to rush the skyscale there, and it burned me out for several months...but i'm back!), I'm really honestly looking for a group where I can make some friends to joke around with, and really just have some fun. Sorry if that's all TMI, but I just want to be upfront and honest before joining something, in case it doesn't work for the group. I also want to add that learning complex rotations, and high end game content tends to be something I struggle with for a little while before it clicks. Hope everyone has a good day!

Regardless of your decision,

Thank you for your consideration!

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I have played GW2 off and on over the years since launch and have come back to continue my journey again with this wonderful game.  I'm looking to finally push this time to get to end game with raiding/strikes/fractals.  I don't want to ever have to go back to WoW.  Please let me know what else you need from me to join.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Could I get an invite please?   returning player from long ago so like newbie in town + switch to steam few days ago.  Casual player  but would like to join  runs from fractals to WvW (not that active on pvp  but occasionally out of boredom).

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