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Auto-Attack Problems... Can anyone help, or Is this a bug?


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Hi Guys,

I've been Playing Guild Wars 2 for a couple of months now and think it is excellent! I'm really loving it. I wanted to jump on here and ask some advice, because I don't know if I have a bug or a feature... but either way it is driving me crazy. Here is the situation:

I play a Silvari Mesmer and have a sceptre & torch or staff equipped (I haven't tested this with more weapons). If I use a skill that -1) Effects an area around me (signet of inspiration, signet of midnight, the prestige etc.)2) While having an enemy targeted, within front field of view and in range of auto attack)3) Including when I have not made a single attack against him yet..I _automatically _do one auto-attack against that enemy after finishing the skill the skill. Sometimes this results in an Auto-attack chain, sometimes it doesn't (haven't worked out when it does or not).

This is _extremely _aggravating - it aggros enemies I don't want to to aggro yet and it breaks stealth on the prestige and signet of midnight... making stealthing past something annoying (have to not have anything targeted), and using stealth as a combat escape very clunky (have to remember to click of target etc.).

Occasionally the same auto-attack happens when I use mirror images, so I am not 100% sure what skills trigger it. I have spent an hour last week messing around with game options to try and stop this, and failed miserably - the only thing that did stop it was disabling skill 1 auto-attack, which I don't fancy doing in general.

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance,James

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Turn auto targeting off.

"Stop Auto-Attacking on Target Change — Normally, when you de-select a foe or target a different foe, your auto-attack will continue against your original target. With this option, the auto-attack will stop.Autotargeting — If you use a skill with no target selected, the game will automatically select a valid target within the skill's range and in the direction the camera is facing."

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Generally the solution would be to either disable auto-attack or to detarget enemies before casting skills. However, if neither of these are an option you can also bind Stow Weapon to a key under miscellaneous options and use it to cancel the auto-attack before it goes off.

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Having a melee weapon equipped solves 99% of the hassle, since you'd need to be within melee range for the auto-attack to work.

unfortunately, I know that's not an entirely reliable solution for you (since you seem to be playing a condi build and mesmer sword is a power weapon), but with the mirage coming with Path of Fire, the axe will be a condi melee weapon. Not ideal to change your whole build to accommodate such an issue, but unless Arenanet resolves the autocast on invisibility skill cast on their end, this seems to be the only solution for the moment.

side note: turning off those options worked for me, so I'm not sure what's happening there.

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