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Dear ArenaNet!

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On 6/21/2023 at 10:53 AM, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

no, I did not. I'm not in a guild (if that's what you mean) and don't want to be in one because rolling over a weaker team with a 50-man blob of boons (like RAWR and KOIN did last week) is just as boring as being rolled over by a 30-man zerg 24/7.

You seem to have a very limited, and limiting, experience and understanding of WvW. The whole game mode becomes way more rewarding when you invest in being part of the community. Alliances will increase player agency in that regard.

If you find yourself bobbing around alone in the sea, consider finding a boat to hop in with other players.

It's fun.

And it can be less salty.

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