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So I have one char of each class with multiple different builds. Will I have to regrind everything to complete my build? That’s like atleast 5 relics per char. Will these be easy to craft and buy on the tp? I like testing out different builds and I mainly do wvw and open world pve. 

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Also, how does the relics system I retract with Legendary Runes? If someone has all the legendary runes, you are taking away the main bonus associated with them, the 6 rune effect being easy to swap. Is there going to be a legendary relic given to players with the legendary runes already unlocked or is there something else planned? 


If there is a different plan, please don't make it another legendary we have to grind for. You would just be making players that have already done the grind lose their benefit and have to grind more. 

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