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Mech mace skills changed


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The change isn't a good one, at least for alac dps mecha, cause now, you cannot get 100% alac on boss fight anymore............. plus nowhere was written about it, because if it was mentioned, we would have toons of posts against it from the start.

On the simple "barrier boon" effect, the change can be ok, but on the "trigger alac" boon time, the change is really bad......... need to do more test, BUT i don't see getting 100% alac uptime anymore for the class.

Really really bad stealth change Mecha get from this patch.

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3rd hit auto mace blast should have 1-2 sec burning with that name. 

Energizing slam in wvw is utter trash giving only like 300 barrier. Also still gives 2 vuln 2 confusion instead of the 3 listed on tooltip

It's a nerf in my opinion for wvw but better changes to it overall, just need to boost barrier on energizing slam in wvw

Edited by Meesor.7243
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I would say that in some respects this is better as it is a much more chonky single shield and you do not need to hit enemies to generate it, however it is likely slightly weaker in terms of raw barrier, but only if you don't get every single auto hit in the space of its cd

Edited by Stalima.5490
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I planned suggest this change, but they realize quick the necessity. Good job!


The fluence problem was not solved yet...

Mace 1: The auto attack chain still very slow and way weaker that the Hammer one. It should be speeded up to at least same speed than the Hammer.

Mace 2: In pvp the barrier amount is invisible, it should be increased to at least 600 (about 100 per second).

Mace 3: The cooldown is very high yet... It could be reduced to something between 8 and 10.

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This change has also made it more difficult to maintain permanent alacrity since you applied barrier from mace AA about 3 times more often than you can do with mace 2 due to the cooldown. This also means that it's required to use F2 or barrier signet to help the upkeep of alacrity since you passively generate less of it while in melee range. Certainly doesn't help that you also get penalized for standing outside of your mech range for 1 millisecond with longer cooldowns now...

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