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Part of this community needs also an expansion

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To all the people complaining about the lack of new specs in the new expansion, I would say that the criticism is somewhat valid. Though, on the other hand, this game is already, insansly HUGE. Personally I wouldnt want 9 new specs, especially so fast after we got the last 9, as the game (balance wise) the community (returning players or new) and myself, still adjusting/trying/mastering those we got with EOD.  I will assume that you want new players to come to this game and to also not give up shortly after. And I believe that you understand that a new player, having to learn/try/check 27 elite specs I think on its own is already a lot. Can't imagine where and how this would end if we would get new elite specs more often. And while I am no casual but not a pro either, I normally dont use more than 4-5 classes and more than 10 specs for my normal gameplay. My guess is, the majority of the playerbase does the same and adding new specs just for content's sake, it wouldnt really add more value to GW2. Contrary, continuing the new balance phylosophy which gives alacrity, quickness and support-heal access to all the existing classes and specs, while fixing non meta weapons and make them class wide available (new expansion) and adding new weapons too (new expansion), can really utilize the already huge availability of specializations, builds, gear and possible gameplay.

Regarding the "dont make skyscale easy to get, let them suffer as I did" that's again, not to your personal interest (its kinda inhuman type of logic too but thats another discussion). Guild Wars 2 has a long achieving, learning and obtaining curve and as new content, new achievements, new legies and new mounts are added to the game, one would need years to reach the point that an existing vet player is and so would be in fact stupid for a new player to try to catch up with everything (all leggies, all mounts, while building KPs, trying metas and many many more). So, unless you want this game to die sooner or later due to the lack of new players and shrinking playerbase (as statistically some of the existing quit) and so having all of your effort and your achievements disappear, please, stop demanding something that is both against your personal interest and the interest of others. The same goes for the "relic will invalidate my legy runes" discussion. The given information isnt enough yet to judge but even if it will invalidate them, there shouldnt be any drama around it. At the end, having the freedom to choose a strong effect, that isnt tied anymore to some unwanted stats, can make the builds (old and new) more efficient and/or more fun.

When it comes to the size  of the content of the new expansion and its comparison with older ones, with SotO we will get new weapons(9), existing weapons (27) that were tied to a spec will become class wide available (with some new skills and prolly some trait rework), new login reward system, new masteries, new fractal and new strikes with CMs, new legy armor (open world one), runes rework and the relic system, new zones and whatever else I forgot and we dont know yet.  Compared to the how many years of despair between PoF and EoD and considering EoD as the least good expansion so far (although it took many years), I would just say that its not about the size ( 😞 ) but about the product that they will deliver at the end.  If Anet will manage to deliver all these stuff in a succesful way, without killing people's classes^^', creating metas that cause community wars regarding the difficulty and etc, maybe, in the future, this Expansion will be valued same as HoT and PoF. And hopefully Gw2 will not only continue to be alive and active but will get bigger and better so that you will have more newbies to welcome in starting zones with your 35 infusions/skins,  to BM them in wvw, to trashtalk them in pvp, to kick in raids/strikes/fractals and to invite in "promising" guilds to milk their gold :3

PS About the pricing complains, if you arent able to pay 25 dollars for a live game once a year or so, you will simply not do it and continue play the rest of the game but I would add that this should be the least of your problems/ concerns.

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3 hours ago, Mppa.3250 said:

When it comes to the size  of the content of the new expansion and its comparison with older ones, with SotO we will get new weapons(9), existing weapons (27) that were tied to a spec will become class wide available (with some new skills and prolly some trait rework), new login reward system, new masteries, new fractal and new strikes with CMs, new legy armor (open world one), runes rework and the relic system, new zones and whatever else I forgot and we dont know yet. 

The last "semi expansion" was Eye of the North.

Do you know what we got in terms of playable content?
18 dungeons.
Eighteen dungeons. And several new maps.

Now, I'm not going to say this "expansion" brings nothing. But a lot of what it brings is at the level of QoL feature, or system reworks, one that would be great if it came with new PLAYABLE CONTENT with it.

And I'm sorry but 2 maps, a fractal and 2 strikes is not enough to be called an expansion.
Heck, if they can't make that many maps, fine, focus on reusable stuff, make some procedurally generated content with random path and boss combos to make it interesting to replay. Some rogue-lite element, I don't know, but for crying out loud don't expect a playerbase to replay the same 2 maps for months and call that an expansion!!

Edited by Deihnyx.6318
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2 hours ago, Deihnyx.6318 said:

The last "semi expansion" was Eye of the North.

Do you know what we got in terms of playable content?
18 dungeons.
Eighteen dungeons. And several new maps.

Now, I'm not going to say this "expansion" brings nothing. But a lot of what it brings is at the level of QoL feature, or system reworks, one that would be great if it came with new PLAYABLE CONTENT with it.

And I'm sorry but 2 maps, a fractal and 2 strikes is not enough to be called an expansion.
Heck, if they can't make that many maps, fine, focus on reusable stuff, make some procedurally generated content with random path and boss combos to make it interesting to replay. Some rogue-lite element, I don't know, but for crying out loud don't expect a playerbase to replay the same 2 maps for months and call that an expansion!!

I mean, it's 3 maps first off.

Second, IBS gave us 3 maps before we got the dragon response missions, those 3 were released over the course of a year. Sept 2019- July 2020. 3 maps, the first strikes, no fractals. Then we got champions, DRMS, etc and the long pause before EoD. If you really counting the two years it took to get through that, you'd pay $50 for two of these mini expansions, same price we paid for HoT, and we'll have gotten 4 strikes, 2 fractals, 6 maps, the full suite of features we're getting starting in August plus some other features we'd be getting next year.


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55 minutes ago, Wheezy.2846 said:

I mean, it's 3 maps first off.

Second, IBS gave us 3 maps before we got the dragon response missions, those 3 were released over the course of a year. Sept 2019- July 2020. 3 maps, the first strikes, no fractals. Then we got champions, DRMS, etc and the long pause before EoD. If you really counting the two years it took to get through that, you'd pay $50 for two of these mini expansions, same price we paid for HoT, and we'll have gotten 4 strikes, 2 fractals, 6 maps, the full suite of features we're getting starting in August plus some other features we'd be getting next year.

All extensions had living seasons so far. It's just that they also come with a complete story at launch, guild hall, raids/strikes, new elites specs and one killer feature (gliding, mounts, fishing etc).

Here, the "killer" feature seems to be a QoL/ change in a system (not at launch!!). We've had those in the past as well, with like the legendary armory in mind. So while it's a welcome change, I don't think that qualifies. We also lose elite skills (as far as I understand, I can be wrong).

Plus, I rest my case, it's not a good idea to name it an extension, try to bring hype up only to have a grand total of 2 maps available at launch. Some people will finish it in a matter of a few hours.

Like, It's great that they're improving many things, but without some beefier content I doubt people will come back just for it.

I have no problem if they decide to make their living story paid content from now on, but when they announced an expansion after EoD, I was kind of expecting more. Sorry.



Edited by Deihnyx.6318
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I agree with a lot of stuff. Have not read the full post though. (Quickly looked over it.) The existing elite specs are already a lot - balancing-wise it would only get harder. The weapon-changes + new weapons ... means a lot. (Also buffing core specs maybe. Or at least making them more interesting.)

I'm more fearing that it might get "too much" - this expansion seems fine. Looking forward to it. Also willing to spend gems - since I need still a lot from the gem store and getting the ultimate edition for the discounted gems. (Though personally I see it as 50 for the gems - rest for the base edition stuff + the deluxe stuff free that I don't really need lol.)

Skyscale: I see it like with other content where I joined "late". Here I have it  ... and already did it the hard way: It is necessary for new players to be able to catch up. Reach certain stuff faster. (+ the mastery line from PoF/S4 probably is still locked behind the "old" way - if you want to masteries).

Same goes for the runes and relics stuff. Though here you might direct something like "you have no legendary runes yet you don't know how it feels" at me. They most likely are to include the 6th slot special bonus into the new relics. (That seem to be an own equipment type. Not unlikely that they might tie this to the jeweler profession - making 500 ascended stuff available there.)

People with legendary runes might lose this. (Still having access to the other bonus. And not being set worse than new players - who still would have to do the legendary runes to get everything.) I do not really thing they will (if then of course only for one - the 6th one in your slot) give any stuff to people that already did the runes. If they gave a legendary relic to them directly it would remove incentive to play content (which they might tie to resources needed to craft a legendary relic) ... just giving a resources refund would mean they'd have to make the runes cost less because of the change. (That might work though ... also easier to obtain for new players.) But ... we had stuff in the past where people got things harder/more expensive - and changes happened. And they did nothing.

(Except when the legendary armor got introduced and full items got obsolete - if someone had too much copies. This is just one function being moved here. Frome 1 - the last one - rune ... with runes being less expensive than most other legendary items.)

Edit: We also don't know about the relics stuff in detail yet. Might be harder for players without legendary - to get the bonus for "normal" runes + relic. If we had easy to get runes or some that were just a few silver ... with the regular (non-legendary) relic having that bonus locked behind harder to obtain stuff. (Or even a hard/expensive set of runes ... don't know of those exist I just remember expensive sigils without having to look up the wiki - where now the bonus is moved to a relic.)

Edited by Luthan.5236
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23 minutes ago, Deihnyx.6318 said:

All extensions had living seasons so far. It's just that they also come with a complete story at launch, guild hall, raids/strikes, new elites specs and one killer feature (gliding, mounts, fishing etc).

Here, the "killer" feature seems to be a QoL/ change in a system (not at launch!!). We've had those in the past as well, with like the legendary armory in mind. So while it's a welcome change, I don't think that qualifies. We also lose elite skills (as far as I understand, I can be wrong).

Plus, I rest my case, it's not a good idea to name it an extension, try to bring hype up only to have a grand total of 2 maps available at launch. Some people will finish it in a matter of a few hours.

Like, It's great that they're improving many things, but without some beefier content I doubt people will come back just for it.

I have no problem if they decide to make their living story paid content from now on, but when they announced an expansion after EoD, I was kind of expecting more. Sorry.



No people wont finish it in days it will be daily and even weekly cap on the new currency that you need to buy crap from the new wizard faction

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43 minutes ago, Deihnyx.6318 said:

I have no problem if they decide to make their living story paid content from now on, but when they announced an expansion after EoD, I was kind of expecting more. Sorry.

If the new form of expansion should be called an expansion is a good point. Personally I never wished for an expansion for GW2, just more content, paid or not. But I got convinced by smarter people who explained why HoT needed to be called an expansion. Basically for the marketing, to create new (free) publicity for the game, to announce to the world outside the existing GW2 players that the game was still very much alive. And HoT (and PoF and EoD) did that. Now a new expansion every year would create a yearly buzz but if the expansion isn't what people expand of an expansion for a MMORPG than that buzz could be very negative.

I didn't have any expectation for the new expansion, so I am not disappointed. But as I said, I don't need an expansion, I just want new content every year.

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9 minutes ago, Rose Solane.1027 said:

Now a new expansion every year would create a yearly buzz but if the expansion isn't what people expand of an expansion for a MMORPG than that buzz could be very negative.

I honestly think that what may happens, if that's not already the case after EoD.

I think PoF was the sweet spot. You were able to play for an extended period of time without reaching some kind of artificial gate to stop your progress. It felt complete, and the mount feature was a significant change to make it fresh and worth going through again. I can't remember if mounts were locked to PoF at the start (I think that was just the glider with HoT...) but being able to get through all of Tyria again with mounts was truly unique.

It was a lesser feeling with EoD, but there still was fishing.

There is no such thing here, so they need to make sure they can keep players engaged for months.

Edited by Deihnyx.6318
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