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Terrible timing of xpac announcement.

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10 minutes ago, mercury ranique.2170 said:

Ah, it seems we have entered the white knighting part of the discussion.

Everyone is entitled to have an opinion and voice this. I have no objection to this. The topic (to try and stop any derailment) is that  cause (some) people are unhappy about a balance update, the timing of an expansion pack announcement is terrible.

I'm reacting to that. I',m not someone swallowing everything as a mindless consumer and such a statement derails this discussion and is just vile and unfair. Just as it should be unfair to say people who express their anger are bad. 

I can be critical and I might even voice this from time to time. I personally prefer to do this in a constructive way, but that is just cause I believe that is more efficient.

Back on topic, I do not think that this announcement is terrible timed just cause some people are hurt cause of a balance update. On the contrary, I think they know perfectly well people are not often happy with a balance update, specially when their build is affected. Having some perspective of the course of the game is a good way to counter this.

But then again ,as proven in this topic, some people just want to express anger. I'm not here for anger management and appeal to everyone to stay constructive. This does not mean it is not ok to express criticism, but also agree to disagree and stay civilized.

Don't ask questions. Just consume product. Then get excited for next product.

The expansion announcement was tone deaf to the extreme. If Anet would at least acknowledge they heard the feedback I don't think the backlash would have been this bad. We live in a time where the mindful customer has realized the power they hold. Emboldened in the wake of the currently ongoing media, tech and entertainment collapse, the mindful customer marches onward to victory. The current market bubble is worse than the 2008 bubble. It is reaching 1920s levels of bad. Once this bubble pops heads will roll en mass, emperors will be dethroned and giants will topple and fall.

Edited by FortyTwo.8697
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2 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

It's not a matter of preference. It's a matter of stuff being plain broken.

The game is not a calculator, that either it works or it doesn't work. It's really a matter of preference. There is no perfect game that everyone likes. There will always be someone who doesn't like the changes, and someone who is happy about them.

Edited by FiveBunnies.5730
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As someone who quitted the game because of "balance patch updates" after End of Dragon exp and little meaningful story content afterwards, progression and more interactive elements, this announcement reignited interest to come back -and quite frankly timing couldn't be better cause very little exciting news has been for a while now, especially when I know sort of have bigger picture what was all those Profession changed, reharled and tweaked for. Say what you will but this part here:

(I know we are all different and yada yada, some will forever be happy from profession patch to patch having something to gloat about, others are content for other reasons, and some finally got long awaited, multiple times delayed WvW changes, that seemed like they will never seen light at the end of the tunnel, but so goes for others, like me - > simply excited that something new is happening and it's not yet another Living episode Season)


Is worth coming back alone.  And yes I play as Mesmer and Necro, but I wasn't burn out of game just because of profession changes, simply for lack of any other progress, cause whole focus has been on them for quite while now. 

D4 is consuming all my free time I can spare, so I don't know if I will jump right away, but I do know I will jump at some moment never the less, especially cause we are done with one plot that dragged way too long to be interesting anymore.

But you know the best part? This exp pac is finally focused on the elements in the game, rather than throwing yet another "exciting new systems and professions" and I am so glad they recognized value in revisiting old finally.

Edited by Senteliks.2360
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49 minutes ago, FiveBunnies.5730 said:

The game is not a calculator, that either it works or it doesn't work. It's really a matter of preference. There is no perfect game that everyone likes. There will always be someone who doesn't like the changes, and someone who is happy about them.

No, really. Stuff like the inviciHerals is not a matter of preference. Nerfing (already not so great apart from one single niche) Scourge into the ground is not a matter of preference. Those things are objectively bad balancing.

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