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Why didn't Spellbreaker get quick/alac?


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As the title suggests, not sure why Anet chose Berserker for quickness and to a lesser extent Bladesworn for alac instead of Spellbreaker. Zerk can't take tactics to make use of the new boon access there, it's utility slots are entirely dominated by extending berserk mode otherwise you don't do any damage, and just like DPS Zerk any mechanics or phases cause it to kinda fall apart at the seams. I think it makes much more sense gameplay and roleplay-wise to give quick to Spellbreaker. It can take tactics so you can use the new boons there, it's utility slots aren't dominated by extending berserk mode or generating flow so it has room to take extra utility based on the encounter, meditations are a great space to give boons to, Guard Counter isn't used in like any game mode so they could rework that/split Revenge Counter in PvE to be the quickness trait and Spellbreaker's whole identity is about boons.

There was a bug where Full Counter applying 30sec of quickness when the patch came out and (this is probably INSANE copium) but I wonder if that is code for in the future to put quickness on Spellbreaker? Or maybe they originally gave it to Spellbreaker and then moved it to Berserker...or it was just spaghetti could which is probably the most realistic option but hey, a man can dream šŸ˜‰

Curious what other ppl (mostly Palawa Joko) think and if they agree or think I'm a dumbo who just is bad at Zerk. And before anyone says "Spellbreaker removes boons so it shouldn't apply them" I present you Scourge and Chrono who apply boons and also have lots of boon strip.

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2 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:

Pls donā€™t put boon spam on spell, k thanks. I just want my anti-boon boi to hop on tha juice and actually be anti-boon boi.Ā 

It can still remove boons while applying them? Not sure how applying more boons than it already does is a bad thing. Talking PvE here, not WvW or PvP

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1 hour ago, feeper.5287 said:

It can still remove boons while applying them? Not sure how applying more boons than it already does is a bad thing. Talking PvE here, not WvW or PvP

I donā€™t pve much so we probably arenā€™t going to get far in any sort of discussion. Tbh I think spell should be a competitive mode first spec given how high itā€™s mechanics scale in competitive modes and the niche itā€™s defined by is desperately needed.

I personally like the idea and implemented play style of not really having a lot of boons (and donā€™t like managing them on myself) and getting to counter the ones on opponents to force them into an ā€œevenā€ fight. I also like managing boon rip against people and donā€™t like managing boons on myself. Thatā€™s just in regards to boons specifically. These are all just opinions though, and probably not a convincing argument to someone who is pve minded, just like pve arguments will be rather unconvincing to me.Ā 

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A lot of your arguments for why Spellbreaker should have gotten Quick/Alac - I read and I think "well maybe Berserker and Bladesworn should be more like Spellbreaker instead so they don't have all these issues making their playability significantly worse".

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10 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:

I donā€™t pve much so we probably arenā€™t going to get far in any sort of discussion. Tbh I think spell should be a competitive mode first spec given how high itā€™s mechanics scale in competitive modes and the niche itā€™s defined by is desperately needed.

I personally like the idea and implemented play style of not really having a lot of boons (and donā€™t like managing them on myself) and getting to counter the ones on opponents to force them into an ā€œevenā€ fight. I also like managing boon rip against people and donā€™t like managing boons on myself. Thatā€™s just in regards to boons specifically. These are all just opinions though, and probably not a convincing argument to someone who is pve minded, just like pve arguments will be rather unconvincing to me.Ā 

Yeah that's totally fair!

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9 hours ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

A lot of your arguments for why Spellbreaker should have gotten Quick/Alac - I read and I think "well maybe Berserker and Bladesworn should be more like Spellbreaker instead so they don't have all these issues making their playability significantly worse".

I think that's a very fair criticism of the design of Zerk and BWS. I think BWS is pretty well designed from a full DPS viewpoint in PvE and breaks down a little bit as an "offensive" support but not nearly as much as Zerk. Personally I think Zerk needs a redesign entirely as it's gimmick just doesn't really function in instanced content

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