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For Future Betas: Orr >> Kessex

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Great idea moving the beta starting location to Kessex from LA, but even better would be a level 80 map like Orr.  The mobs are closer in difficulty to the xpac and LW maps where players will be most of the time.  Plus there's more focus on combat in those maps, and most of these beta's are looking into that side of the game.


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Beta characters have all the waypoints unlocked and any coin you spend won't actually be gone, so you can go whereever you want to try it out.

I don't think there's a location everyone would like. I often start testing new builds in low or mid level maps because I don't have to worry about getting killed. I could just use 1 skill and watch what happens instead of having to fight properly. The worst that will happen is someone else shows up and kills the things I was experimenting with.

Then I move to level 80 maps for real combat, but which one/s I go to depend on what exactly I want to try. I often pick HoT maps because they have a variety of enemies which need specific tactics to deal with, or PoF for big groups and annoying conditions. I use Orr too but I wouldn't say it's a universal solution.

Also I suspect they picked Kessex Hills because that's where the new storyline will start, before we move to the new maps.

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