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Aesthetic issues with the new weapon combos.


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I'm really loving the new weapons on classes.. however some look very weird with the spec mechanic visuals.

a few that come to mind.

Virtuoso: having an axe ain your main hand and still shooting out blades is weird. 

I feel like virtuoso should shoot something else other than blades because it doesnt work with every weapon. 

Let alone a rifle while shooting daggers. 

I feel like the blades should have a different stock visual that is more universal: butterflies? idk.. but right now its weird.

WIllbender: the punching and slamming animation look weird with ranged weapons. I feel like the animation should change based on the weapon you are weilding.

this is just a side note: but when weilding a scepter and an offhand sword the animation for the dual strike should conjure a light blade over the scepter.

vindicator: the smash landing with a bow feels weird feels weird.. so again i feel like there could be a new animation for that.


I dont mind not having new elite specs but lets make them visually appealing. 


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5 hours ago, Artyport.2084 said:

Virtuoso: having an axe ain your main hand and still shooting out blades is weird. 

I feel like virtuoso should shoot something else other than blades because it doesnt work with every weapon. 

Let alone a rifle while shooting daggers. 

I feel like the blades should have a different stock visual that is more universal: butterflies? idk.. but right now its weird.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean with the Virtuoso. The Virtuoso shoots out daggers but they are the daggers that float above your head. Currently if you don't take the dagger as mainhand weapon but rather a sword or scepter or a 2-handed weapon as a Virtuoso there will still be daggers above your head. So I don't understand why being able to wield an axe suddenly makes that change necessary. 

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4 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

I'm not sure I understand what you mean with the Virtuoso. The Virtuoso shoots out daggers but they are the daggers that float above your head. Currently if you don't take the dagger as mainhand weapon but rather a sword or scepter or a 2-handed weapon as a Virtuoso there will still be daggers above your head. So I don't understand why being able to wield an axe suddenly makes that change necessary. 

Well I can personally think that the mainhand weapon we world currently make sense. 

sword- blade 

dagger - blade 

Greatsword- blade 

scepter and staff are both magic weapons so it’s makes sense to conjure things with magic 

but- axes have blades but they are visually not sharp  and it’s not a magic weapons so it’s just visually weird to me

and the rifle is just going to look so weird with blades floating above your head. 

something more universal would be a better image . 

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